Finding out that someone you love has cancer can be one of the most painful experiences in a person’s life. But the only way to get through it is to accept what’s happened and do your best to make the affected person feel loved and cared for, despite the problem they now have to live with. In this article, we’ll go over some of the ways you can be a great support to a friend who’s been diagnosed with cancer.
Financial Support
The first problem most people who are affected with this disease have to face is finding funds for their treatment. This by itself can prove to be a great mental stress to them, especially if they don’t have much savings in store for emergencies such as this. As a friend, you can do your best to help them find the financial support they need to get the medical attention they will eventually require.
This may seem daunting at first, but there are a number of ways to find support for cancer patients financially. For example, many people have benefitted from many aids that support 9/11 related cancers. Find out the different aids that are available and make sure you do your best to get your friend the help he or she needs as this will greatly reduce the stress they feel at this moment. If all else fails, you can always start a Go Fund Me page to garner all the help you can from your physical and online community.
Respect Their Privacy
Not everyone is comfortable with sharing their personal struggles with the rest of the world. As a friend, you should first get their permission before you share it with anyone else within your circle. If they prefer keeping this to themselves for now, then make sure you don’t pressure them into speaking about it before they’re ready. Sometimes, it takes time to come to terms with problems such as this, and it won’t hurt to give them their space while they accept their new way of life.
Additionally, be sure to not let things slip even by accident. For example, you may mean well by treating them with a little extra care when you’re hanging out with other friends, but this might inadvertently make them feel awkward or cause the others in the group to inquire or ask questions about the sudden change in your behaviour. People who are unwell generally do not like being treated differently by those who are close to them, so make sure you don’t make them feel uncomfortable in any way.
Boost Their Morale
This is where you can truly shine as a great friend and supporter. As a person who’s been recently diagnosed, they may not find it in them to get moving and accept what’s happened to them very soon. While this is completely normal and understandable, as a friend, it’s your duty to ensure that you make their life as joyful and happy as you possibly can. This doesn’t have to include anything extravagant or impossibly hard to do. It can simply be just making time for them each week, getting them to come out for dinner on the weekends, taking that long road trip you’ve been planning since forever, or even going on a short holiday if work permits.
These actions can help them get their mind off things and also help them focus on the many positive things life still has to offer them. By boosting their morale, you’re not just being a great friend but you’re also making their path to recovery much better, as their attitude to their diagnoses plays a big role in how they respond to the treatment that they’ll have to undergo to get fully better in the future.
Published on Holr Magazine