Conservative critics are calling the new Barbie Movie “Man-hating.”
Caution: Potential spoilers ahead
The release of the new Barbie movie has conservative critics slamming the new Barbie movie as anti-men even going so far as to claim it neglects notions of “faith and family” and extreme views of it being propaganda. Public figures such as Ben Shapiro have slammed it by saying that the whole premise of the movie is that “politically speaking, men and women are on two sides and they hate each other and literally, the only way you can have a happy world is if the women ignore the men and the men ignore the women,” he said.
Is the new Barbie movie anti-men?
On the other hand, well-known people such as Whoopi Goldberg have defended the movie by slamming the critics citing that it is “just a movie”. Others just like the fans have defended the movie citing its charm and the movie’s willingness to challenge the status quo, saying “Barbie is misandry, and we are here for it”.
People are saying that “No, the Barbie movie is not anti-men at all”. One outlet says the movie is about both men and women finding their own way in the world, but the audience seems bound and determined to focus on the negative.
Sky News host warns people not to fall into the “Barbie trap”.
In an interesting take, Sky News Host Paul Murray is calling it a “cultural impact”. Saying that the more people react to the feminism or supposed “anti-men” message, the more the movie will thrive. In fact, Murray is calling for people to simply relax, telling viewers that the movie was meant to reach those who loved and hated Barbie way back when and that it comes down to culture not politics, as noted here. This is an interesting view of an otherwise controversial topic and ultimately encourages people to live in the real world and not in “Barbieland”.
Check out this previous HOLR article for more information on this trending topic: Barbie Conservative Critics Mocked
Published by HOLR Magazine