The burst of the pandemic took the world by surprise, almost everything went to a standstill, including the very “activity” that helps most of us to distress, travelling that is. So while the world is currently on a hiatus & slowly making its way back to some form of normalcy, here are some top destinations you can budget for & plan to visit as soon as we can purchase those plane tickets again.

New Orleans

“Let the good times roll at night !”  Does this line tickle your fancy? Bourbon Street’s vibes resemble just that! What better way to unwind after this strenuous lockdown than taking delight in the good music & neon lights while dancing!


If you fancy beaches & secluded islands then this is where you should go.  The common pursuits found here are the Penang & Langkawi island. It doesn’t have to end there, an area called Gurney Drive can sort you out with a wide range of local food & various kinds of shopping.


Located in Japan – Tokyo prides itself on being on the cutting edge of technology & peculiar inventions like robot restaurants & capsule hotels. Your visit won’t be an ordinary one, it will be filled with flabbergasting experiences. 

God’s Window (Mpumalanga)

The name of this destination alone is very telling! Oh, behold the splendour, serenity & wind whistles of nature as it blooms! Not to sound poetic, but that is just the kind of effect that this enchanting landmark induces, it compels you into a state of appreciating the alluring nature that our mysterious Creator has created. You’ve probably heard this quote “Nature is Life’s Greatest Teacher”, so this place can help you in that particular regard.

Rome, Italy

Being one of the most visited cities in the world, Rome is synonymous with architecture & world history. If you are enticed by visual pleasure & built environment, then this City that overflows with historical landscapes will satiate you. 

Cape Town

Popularly known for its vivid scenery, this Cosmopolitan City qualifies to be named as the heart of South Africa & has been gracefully carrying that status. It boasts a wide range of attractions, namely: The Mighty Table Mountain, Robben Island, Bo Kaap and Camps Bay.


The Eiffel Tower is one of the first things that pop up in my head at the mention of Paris. Perhaps you & your lover have been delaying that getaway, look no further than this romantic place which is also a haven for fashion lovers. Who knows, you might come back with your fashion sense all revamped.

Vancouver, Canada

Enveloped by beauteous mountains, Vancouver has multiple sections to explore. For starters, you can make stops at its legion art galleries & museums, then after putting your “art cap” down, you can sail to its beaches, bask in the sun & don’t you make the mistake of leaving without having visited “Canada Place”, Stanley Park & that cultural Granville Island which will lure you into delectable food & extraordinary entertainment. 

Walt Disney World Resort 

This multifaceted theme park based in Orlando is the perfect place for family vacations, because it has everything for everyone, regardless of their age or interests. We know how the young ones adore their fantastical world & characters, so this would give them first-hand experience into the world they love to binge on over the screen. Of course, the teenagers in the family are not left behind, they can enjoy the rush & adrenaline of the rides while the adults spoil themselves with shopping, dining, movies, music etc. 


New York City 


You saw this one coming, didn’t you? Come on! There is even a whole song (Empire State of mind x Jay Z & Alicia Keys ) that praises the gloriousness of this City! Now tell me, who wouldn’t want to at least once experience the vivid sceneries of NYC, painted in this song? Soaking up the atmosphere of this fast-paced, energetic & evolving city will leave you enthralled & inspired. 

Expand your Travelling horizon through this HOLR article

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