Making a decision to use solar power as your source of energy is noble and ‘green’. The environmental impact of power plants, and the burning of fossil fuels, has been catastrophic for the planet.  Economic development and a growing population has increased energy consumption. Finding ways to integrate sustainable energy with increased economic needs certainly is a challenge, but not impossible. Many people have switched to using solar power as their main source of energy. There is an ever increasing number of businesses investing in solar paneling which is a significant leap forward for our planet and our health. Cleaner air means fewer pollutants and lung-related illnesses. 

The great advantage of living in a country that basks in sunshine most of the year is it can be utilised, and is ideal for a solar powered living. If you are heading down under to start a new life or are an Australian citizen, where are the best places?


If you’re lucky enough to live on the Gold Coast, you’ll know that Queensland has a tropical climate with around 300 days of sunshine each year. It’s the ideal location for a new solar panel system. Interestingly, Australia has the highest solar radiation per square metre compared to any other continent in the world. The government has a Renewable Energy Target and invests billions of dollars into the construction of large-scale solar power plants. This is encouraging and may motivate you to do your bit by utilizing the climate and installing your own system. 

When considering what type of system to invest in, you must make sure you research the importance of the inverter. The inverter is the little machine responsible for converting the direct current power from the sun, into usable energy that powers appliances in your home or office. It’s worth looking at reviews to establish the right inverter for your needs. Growatt is one of the leading brands in off-grid converters so it’s worth checking out the growatt inverter review for the information on the different models available. Queensland has managed to achieve the highest number of small-scale installations since the energy scheme started in 2001. 


You may be wondering what happens if there is a power outage when you have to use solar panels. So many things depend upon electricity so it’s understandable you may be reluctant to at first.  Depending on where you live in Australia, most people will still be on the grid even if they are aiming for a greener life. Solar panels can only generate power during daylight hours. When darkness falls your energy resource will switch back to on-grid supply. Unless you live in the small town of Tyalgum in NSW. Tyalgum is home to 500 residents and is on target to be off-grid in the not too distant future. The community is working together to achieve an awesome feat to become a ‘green’ town. So what happens during a power outage there? Buying a separate power generator is a good idea if you are living off-grid. The type and size of the generator depend on how much power you use on a daily basis. It will also give you peace of mind if you need power in a serious emergency and need to charge your phone to call the emergency services. Don’t be tempted to rely on your solar panel’s inverter; although they may generate a small amount of electricity during a power outage, it probably won’t be enough during the nighttime hours. 

If you are living on off-grid in Tyalgum, or anywhere else, consider investing in a solar plus battery. They’re a great backup option. During the day the battery will store any excess energy from your solar panels and provide instant power when needed. It’s a dependable option and can be utilized when out of the home, camping or traveling. 


Another area that would be ideal for solar-powered energy is Darwin. Darwin enjoys around 240 days of sunshine in a year. It is the home of a new major renewable energy project  and is deemed to have the largest solar farm in the world. Individuals running the  renewable energy initiative in some places are exploring the possibility of going completely off-grid. It’s been shown that, although initial start up costs are high for solar powered energy systems, they actually save money in the long run. They also provide an endless supply of energy due to the consistent sunny climate. 



From July 1st 2020, Australia’s capital city, Sydney, switched to 100% renewable energy. Everything in the city: lights, buildings, fields, pools etc are powered by 3 generators at solar farms nearby. It’s proof that Australians take their commitment to building a ‘greener’ world seriously. They have acted diligently in their approach to climate change and are an outstanding example of a country following science and making changes accordingly. Since 2008 Sydney has reduced emissions by 20%. 

Enjoying 236 days of sunshine, on average yearly, Sydney is a great place to live and embrace sustainable living. Solar panel prices are competitive so shop around. Joining a community of like-minded people will contribute to worldwide success.

Remote areas 

Perhaps one of the biggest advantages of the move to solar power is the opportunities it creates for remote areas in Australia. Wind and solar generation enables smaller remote communities to receive the same benefits as those in cities and towns. The government backed projects are delivering options to outback Australia, and solar solutions can be tailored to service just about every electricity requirement in the outback providing a reliable source of power. The shift to renewable energy means that remote communities can stop relying on environmentally damaging diesel generation; used for many years. 

Wherever you end up living your ‘green dream’ down under, be confident that your transition to a more sustainable way of living is worth every penny you spend. The environment is suffering in many ways, but with effort and care, we can all help build a better way of living and maintain the planet and all it’s wonderful inhabitants. 


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