Who Is The Suspect Sydney Knife Attack Today

Following a devastating knife attack in Sydney at Westfield Bondi Junction on Saturday, April 13th, another knife attack occurred in Sydney today April 15th. This time the knife attack happened at the hands of a 15-year-old boy at the Christ The Good Shepherd Christian Church in Wakeley, Sydney. Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel was speaking during a service at the Assyrian Orthodox church, when the suspect lunged at him with a knife.

Was Sydney Church Knife Attack Terrorism

Update: Authorities are now investigating the knife attack in Sydney today as a terrorist act. The NSW Police Comissioner Karen Webb has said that the incident is a “terrorist act.”

The suspect stabbed Mari Mari multiple times but then allegedly realized that he didn’t pull the knife out. Bishop Mari Mari and Father Isaac Royale were both taken to the hospital after being stabbed to be treated for non-life-threatening injuries.

Another stabbing in Sydney today

Another Stabbing In Sydney Church

The stabbing took place today at 7pm on Monday April 15th, in Sydney and the attack was caught on video as the service was being live streamed. Authorities are currently still investigating the motivation behind the knife attack but they have revealed they are now investigating it as a terrorist act. In one of the videos, the 15-year-old suspect can be heard speaking in Arabic as police apprehend him.

What Did Sydney Church Attacker Say In Arabic

In one of the videos circulating on X, the boy smiles at the phone camera as police cuff him and he allegedly says in Arabic, “Why is he swearing at my Prophet? I wouldn’t have come here if he didn’t bring my religion into this.” Another witness at the church said that the suspect was saying, ‘Allahu Akbar, Allahu akbur’, and while there is a lot going on during the video because of the chaos it seems like you can make him out to be saying that near the end of the video.

As witnessed with the stabbing attack on Saturday in Sydney, people online quickly began to fabricate stories that the attacker was first a Jihad terrorist and then that he was  Jewish and both of these turned out to be false—with the Saturday stabbing attacker revealed to be Joel Cauchi, a Christian man from Queensland with mental health issues whose parents revealed that he wanted a girlfriend but had no social skills, which could be why he targetted women in the brutal and heartbreaking attack. Misinformation can spread so quickly online, it is always imperative to look for legitimate sources and confirmations instead of taking people’s speculative tweets as the truth. As some people on X have been saying that the suspect was Christian and others have been saying that he’s Jewish, but based on the latest reports, it appears that the suspect was perhaps influenced by extremist ideology.

Sydney Church Stabbing Suspect Fingers Cut Off

According to some reports, the Sydney church stabbing suspect had his fingers cut off by churchgoers before police could get to him. In one police statement, the officer did say that the teenager sustained injuries to his hands. There is an image circulating on X that alleges it is a screenshot of the boys hand after his fingers were cut off. It is unclear if this is a true image from the crime scene.

Who Stabbed Mar Mari

Authorities have not released the suspect’s name yet. It is very possible they will not release his name publicly as the legal laws in Australia typically dictate that individuals 10-17 years old are generally treated as ‘children’ in the legal system so they may be protected by privacy laws where there name isn’t revealed. There have been two names floating around online but please note that nothing has been announced by authorities.

Bishop Mari Incident Video Watch

Trigger warning:  The video below is extremely disturbing and shows a violent attack take place.


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