Rumor has it billionaire Larry Connor is planning on taking a $20M submarine to the site of the Titanic. This news comes just one year after the OceanGate Titan submersible implosion.

Is this OceanGate part two?!

Titanic Submersible

New reports claim that billionaire Larry Connor is planning on making a trip to the site of the Titanic. This news comes almost a year after the OceanGate submersible disaster which occurred on June 18, 2023.

Titanic Submarine Implosion 

Last year, OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush, along with Paul-Henri Nargeolet (Titanic expert and French deep-sea explorer) Hamish Harding, Shahzada Dawood, and Dawood’s son, Suleman perished when the company’s submersible vessel imploded during a viewing of the Titanic site.

As the Wikipedia page dedicated to the disaster claims, communication between the vessel and the mother ship was lost around an hour and a half into the mission. 4 days after the submersible had gone missing, debris was located near the Titanic and sonar detection coincided with an implosion likely during the time of lost communication. This eventually resulted in the instantaneous deaths of all occupants on board the submersible vessel.

Titanic Submarine 

Just one year later, it is alleged that Connor is planning a trip to the Titanic site in a two-person submersible, as noted here. Connor will reportedly make the journey in a $20M submarine, along with Triton Submarines co-founder Patrick Lahey. Using the Triton 4000/2 Abyssal Explorer, the pair will dive more than 12,400 feet (2.3 miles) to the site of the Titanic to show that this type of mission can be done successfully.

Larry Connor Titanic

“I want to show people worldwide that while the ocean is extremely powerful, it can be wonderful and enjoyable and really kind of life-changing if you go about it the right way,” Connor said to the Wall Street Journal here.

It is unclear when exactly this mission to the Titanic site will take place.

What are your thoughts on these claims that another mission to the site of the Titanic may take place with another submarine- just one year after OceanGate?

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Published by HOLR Magazine

Image Credit: The Connor Group/ YouTube, REUTERS

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