On May 8, the former New York Yankees baseball player, Derek Jeter and his wife Hannah Jeter announced the birth of their fourth child, Kaius Green Jeter.

“Welcome to the world, lil’ man!!!” Derek wrote on his Twitter and Instagram profiles with his son’s name and date of birth.

Derek and Hannah have been married since 2016. Kaius is the couple’s first boy, albeit they already have three little daughters. This news surprised the public greatly because none knew Hannah was even expecting.

River Rose, the couple’s third daughter, was born in December 2021, and Kaius came only 17 months later. Bella, the couple’s oldest child, is five years old; Story is four.

Image Credit: derekjeter/Instagram

Hannah and Derek began dating in 2012, and they got engaged in 2015. Their first child, a girl, was born in August 2017 just over a year after they got married in July 2016. The couple has largely avoided drawing attention to their kids in the media.

However, Bella, Story, and River were all present for Derek’s New York Yankees Hall of Fame induction ceremony in September 2022. The girls watched Derek get the magnificent award while their mother sat next to them on the pitch.

Image Credit: Getty Image

Hannah, who was expecting at the time, brought Bella and Story along to the ceremony in 2021, when Derek was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame.

In his remarks, Derek made a point to acknowledge the ladies, adding, “This day puts an exclamation mark on my playing career, which was my first dream. Through you all, with you all, I’m living another one.”

Published by HOLR Magazine.

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