Yoga is already recognized for it’s therepeutic benefits, but what if there was a way to make it more beneficial? Pups Yoga, based in Toronto, has cracked the code by adding puppies to the mix.

Studies have shown that interacting with dogs can postiively impact your health by reducing stress and lowering your blood pressure. Similarily, yoga is also known for reducing stress, lowering blood pressure and improving one’s mood. So by combining the two, you are naturally getting twice the benefits! We attended a Pups Yoga class and walked away beaming.

During the class, there were French Bulldog puppies casually roaming around the room and occasionally coming up to you for kisses and snuggles. Whether you’re in Shavasana and they come and lay with you, or in downward dog and they lick your toes, we couldn’t get enough of the experience. According to the site, the studio works with reputable breeders to get the pups to join a class. So the attendees get to interact with the pups, while also helping to socialize them. The yoga itself was relaxing while providing a good stretch. And if you ever want to stop and just pick up a pup for cuddles, that’s totally allowed.

If you’d like to learn more or to book a class click here. 



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