One of the best in Toronto, Cadmen, is a specialized barbershop with world-class barbers. The Cadmen team has been known to be trusted with cutting the hair of the Toronto Raptors, and various players apart of the OHL, and CFL. Cadmen has also been credited with being instrumental in some of Toronto’s most important events, such as Toronto Men’s Fashion Week, Canada’s Walk of Fame, and The Board of Trade Gala. With two locations, one in Mississauga, and one in Toronto, Cadmen has garnered a name for themselves as the experts in hair care. Offering a wide range of services from hair loss treatments to haircuts to hot towel shaves, Cadmen is committed to developing and servicing the best hair care methods in the industry.

As they introduce their PRP service, Cadmen becomes a one-stop-shop for all beautifying hair-care treatments. Palate Rich Plasma, also known as PRP, has become a popular cosmetic procedure among men who want to reduce the look of hair loss or signs of ageing. It is an injectable treatment that repairs signs of ageing and increases hair growth, through naturally rejuvenating the skin. The PRP process takes around three treatments, that are approximately 4-6 weeks apart, and involves taking your platelet-rich plasma and re-injecting it into yourself. The magic of PRP works by stimulating the body’s normal healing process, making it appealing for those who want to repair hair loss and signs of ageing naturally.

The many benefits of PRP are what has made it the self-care treatment phenomenon it is today. The PRP’s ability to stimulate collagen and elastin production allows for the natural reduction of fine lines and wrinkles, leading to the overall improvement of skin tone and texture. PRP is also extremely beneficial for hard to reach areas, such as under the eye, where signs of ageing are usually the first to be visible. The natural process of PRP makes it one of the safest cosmetic procedures available and has been used in hospitals and sports medicine since the 1970s.

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Cadmen continues to lead the barber industry, and its new PRP service marks a milestone in the brand’s commitment to revolutionizing hair-care. The recent opening of stores in Toronto has everyone worrying about where to get their long-needed haircuts, and if you want to look your best as you see friends after months of quarantining, Cadmen is your best possible option. To learn more about Cadmen and their services, you can visit them at, or check out their Instagram @cadmenbarbershop

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