Happy New Year! Many across the world, earnestly wished for this year to come cause 2020 was a bit A LOT for them. Well 2021 has arrived and this is the year of Preparation, so much to prepare for in every way.

You know, just after the New Years and the 15th of January; the New Year’s excitement rush fades away as the reality of the year sinks; Yes, many start to forget their new year plans aka New Year Resolutions they had set and end up back where they were in 2020.

Dear Friends, Prepare yourself this year, perhaps spoilt yourself and plug yourself in the following ways: 

Vision board

Create a vision board of all you want to achieve this year; don’t leave anything behind `mentally, physically, financially and spiritually. A vision board creates a roadmap of where you are and where you want to go. Custom your vision board as the way you wish to. Make it practical, colourful and bold. Gone are the days, where you wait to see what the world offers you.

Set yourself to offer your world something so your vision board should be the definite road map of your prepared 2021.

Get yourself a note board and cool pen.

It’s quite obvious that you can’t carry your vision board everywhere. Having a notebook helps you on the GO, carry those weekly plans, ideas and on the go inspirations. You might receive ideas, new goals during the time you are not home instead of saying `I hope I remember’ set yourself up with a notebook on the go pen set and thank me later. 

A Physical Calendar

As much as you set targets and things to achieve; you need to keep track of time; pace yourself every month; this helps with accountability. The physical one is actually quite good cause it’s big, you can put it in your room and write on it. Note, Digital is also good but the old school never fails.


Often times; our visions, goals require financial backing at least to reach their fullest potential so instead of not starting, start with what you have; you might have 20 USDs, yes start but as you go forward, save up money; don’t be a big spender on liabilities but on assets.

Invest, you would be shocked that with 20 USD, you could invest somewhere e.g. Easy Equities.


Lastly, the right music is medicine. Here are some artists to add to your playlist this year:

  • Osayuki – Andrew Edun
  • CSO – Sharon Frimpong
  • Moses Bliss
  • Tru South
  • GK Moe
  • Carlton – Maker of Rain
  • SeOk – 
  • FT 
  • Nos

It is a new year, I remember in my previous column; I said `This year (2021), don’t conform to COVID but let COVID conform to you in 2021’. 

Another thing is, set time to always be learning, grow yourself don’t be too comfortable to remain in the same place. `When something remains in the same spot; it collects dust and begins to lose its light’ don’t let that be you in 2021.

Affirm who you are and prepare yourself in truth; don’t be accessible to everyone and everything. Don’t share your visions, goals with everyone. Have a bit of unpredictability in You.

Happy New Year from myself `Kgotso Hope Lekau from Cape Town, South Africa.  

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