Did you know, according to the World Bank, global waste is likely to increase by 70% by 2050? Most of us are guilty of creating a lot of waste on a daily basis, which is adversely impacting the environment.

In this post, we’re sharing some easy ways you can reduce your household waste and energy requirements. Take a look.


1. Carry Grocery Shopping Bags

Plastic shopping bags are extremely wasteful, and some grocery stores even charge extra for them. Instead of contributing to plastic waste, start carrying your own reusable bags for grocery shopping. You should always keep a couple of bags in your car.


2. Reuse Glass Bottles

You probably buy all kinds of juices and condiments that come in a glass container. Rather than throwing them away, you can easily wash them and reuse them to store anything you want. From storing food to planting herbs, glass jars can be repurposed in several ways.


3. Use Both Sides for Printing

Whenever you’re printing anything, use both sides of the paper. It’s no secret that printing ink is not cheap. Even if you’re only using one side of the paper, you can later use the blank side for writing grocery lists.


4. Replace Paper Towels

It’s high time to stop using paper towels in the kitchen. Get cloth towels that are sustainable as well as budget-friendly.


5. Buy Refills

Buying refills is a great way to lower packaging waste. You can buy a lot of refillable things, including hand soap, deodorants, pens, prescriptions, and printer cartridges. Something you shouldconsider is buying a refillable water bottle instead of buying plastic water bottles.


6. Start Composting

From vegetable peels and trimmings to leftovers, a lot of things can be composted. You can use this compost to provide much-needed nutrients to your plants. It’s absolutely free as well as good for the planet.


7. Recycle the Right Way

There are certain rules and requirements for recycling different items. But don’t let that discourage you! With a little bit of research, you can easily find the correct way to recycle anything. This is better than chucking everything in the recycling bin, and none of it getting recycled because you didn’t follow the rules.


8. Stop Using Single-Use Plastic

You’re probably using single-use plastic more than you realize. From disposable coffee cups to plastic straws, make an effort to completely eliminate single-use plastic from your lifestyle.


9. Buy From Bulk Bins

Most grocery items are packed in several layers of packaging, which is often unnecessary. To avoid all this packaging waste, you should start shopping from bulk bins where you can carry your own bags and containers.


10. Get Crafty

Don’t immediately replace anything broken. A lot of times, you can easily get crafty and fix the thing. If you’ve ripped your jeans, you can put an iron-on patch over the rip. Take inspiration from the Japanese art of Kintsugi to put back broken pottery with gold lacquer.


11. Yes Repurpose Leftovers

Do you always throw away leftovers? Leftovers usually stay good for a couple of days. Rather than creating unnecessary food waste, repurpose leftovers in other meals. For example, you can mix leftover salad with your favorite condiments to make a delicious sandwich.


12. Reuse Old T-Shirts

Rather than throwing away an old-shirt or any other clothing that is not good enough to donate, you should use such clothing to make cleaning rags for the house. It doesn’t cost a thing and prevents you from creating waste.


Final Words

Recycling is a reliable way to reduce your waste to help the planet. To further lower your carbon footprint, you should also consider comparing electricity providers and switch to a provider that supports green energy plan projects. Explore Power Direct for competitively-priced renewable energy plans.







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