A healthy man has many wishes, but a sick man only one” goes the Indian proverb, and there are many conclusions we can make from it. For starters, our current good health should not be taken for granted, nor that it will last forever. We can always hope that we will be in overall good shape and wellbeing when we reach old age, but it is inevitable that one illness or another will start creeping up.


Another way to view this is to ask yourself – when is it soon enough to start taking care of your health? You don’t need to jump out of the chair and start running but thinking ahead can save you a world of pain later on. The first really mature decade of your life, your 30’s, is a good time to start taking action in this regard.

What Are Dental Implants

In the briefest possible terms, dental implants are – artificial teeth roots. To expand on that, they are a surgical component (commonly screw-shaped) that is inserted into the jaw so as to bind with the bone in due time and is later used to carry other artificial dental elements, such as false teeth, bridges, etc.

They are one of the more popular tools used by dentists when doing serious teeth repair.


Considering how tooth decay is one of the most common diseases in the developed world, affecting almost 4 billion people worldwide and counting, it comes as no surprise that dental implants are also becoming more and more popular. They serve as a long-term solution to rotting teeth and the practice of their implementation is being perfected every day.


Dentists, in general, will always try and save your natural teeth as much as they can, as chewing is a better experience with them and it can sometimes cost less to repair them if they are only lightly damaged. Nevertheless, modern dentistry has developed ways of making very convincing replicas that can bite the same as the real deal, with only a minor difference in how the nerve endings respond.

Are You a Good Candidate?

Hopefully, you don’t have to visit the dentist more often than for a routine check-up, when you would only be told that everything is in good order and to not forget to floss. But the reality for most of us is that we have at least one tooth in decay and that is an issue that needs to be assessed and solved professionally. 


There are several factors that are considered before opting for this surgery. Dentists that offer them will sometimes give you a questioner first, as seen on NuviaSmiles.com, to better understand and determine your position. Some of the major factors are:


  • missing teeth, 
  • how long they have been missing (jaws shrink in time to adapt), 
  • are you avoiding any food because of your teeth, etc?


All of those are physical conditions that can be checked by looking into your mouth but a big factor also, usually the motivating one, is phycological. Being ashamed to show your teeth when talking or smiling can have a crushing effect on most people, even adults, and dental implants are a solid, permanent solution to such worries. 


As tooth decay is linked directly to bad oral hygiene and a diet rich in simple sugars – it is something we see more and more often in the general population. Bad habits in this regard tend to build up during the years up to the point that today even most young adults fulfill the criteria of being good candidates for dental implants.

The Long Term Benefits

Getting dental implants while still being relatively young has several benefits in the long run. As the key part of any dental implant is osseointegration, that is – a biological process of bone binding to foreign material (such as a titanium screw or rod), younger individuals have a higher chance of a successful merge. 


As the whole operation is done under relatively strong anesthetics a younger and stronger body will maintain its composure better and heal faster. Old age, when getting a whole new set of teeth may seem more common, also brings a longer and harder recovery time.


Psychological benefits also play a part, as many people will struggle to find a partner or perform well in business meetings when they have a fear of being ridiculed for their missing teeth, bad breath, or similar.

Saving up the courage to go to the dentist is something everyone should do. Of course, the needles and drills can be very disturbing but when you know you are not going to a butcher but to a white-coated group of professionals – it is more relaxing.


So take note that you do not have to wait until your teeth rot away from old age to have them checked and maintained. 

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