What’s a paid search strategy? With everything moving online, most promotional activities now revolve online. A paid search strategy enables companies and brands to advertise their business with sponsored listings. It works by incorporating keywords and ads which direct traffic to your website’s landing page. With this strategy, you offer search engines such as Google the keywords, and they place them on result pages. The online traffic will find these keywords when they do searches. When they click on these ads, they get redirected to your landing page. How do you execute an effective paid strategy? Check on the steps below.

Step 1: Define your goals and budget

Different businesses have different goals for executing a paid search strategy. Some will want to boost their growth, generate profit, or drive conversions. It all depends on what you need for your business. The professionals behind Bundle Digital explain that you have to ensure your goals correspond with your marketing strategy. Once you create that goal, follow up on the activities that will make you realize the goal. You have to make sure that your goals won’t work against the already in place organic marketing activities, including SEO. You need to check on the keywords you are using in organic share and ensure your goals won’t undermine them. 

Step 2: Analyze competitive landscape and research keywords

You already know you aren’t alone in the market. This situation step requires you to know who your competitors are and what they are doing to become better than you. There are many online tools you can use to understand your competitors better. If you aren’t sure of this process, you can hire experts to carry out this job for you. You can then get the competitor’s keywords and see if you can incorporate them in your campaign. If you want to succeed in any Paid search strategy, you have to understand better the keywords you and your competitors are using. You have to get deeper, using professional tools in understanding the strength and usefulness of these keywords in your campaign.

Step 3: Define the account structure

This is the start of the execution stage, where you need to define your campaigns through your Google account. You will need to set up your account, set your campaign budget, and determine the keywords you want to use in the campaign. You have to look deeply at the terms you identified when in research and identify the actions users will need to do after clicking on your site. For instance, if you are in fashion, you can target selling only women’s dresses. You need to have the right keyword for the dresses and ensure the clients get directed to your site to purchase the dresses. 

Step 4: Write a compelling promotion text

You have to come up with the best promotional text if you want your strategy to be effective. With a compelling Ad text, you will increase the Quality score, increase click-through rates while reducing the cost per acquisition. The only traffic will click on your ad depending on what you write. This means you have to come up with a phrase that will ignite interest. Also, you have to make sure you conform to search engines’ terms and conditions. Violating this will make your ad demoted or removed by the search engine. Ensure you follow the best practices when coming up with an Ad text.

Step 5: Build Landing pages for conversion

Your ad needs to direct the clicker to your website’s landing page to make your strategy effective. The closer your ad content will be to the landing page, the better it will be. Most online traffic will close the tab when these contents do not match. Ensure your quality score is higher than your website. It would be best to keep the keywords consistent between the ad and the landing page to avoid confusing the traffic. Also, to convert traffic, ensure your landing page has a call-to-action button for the incoming traffic. Ensure to remove any negative keywords that do not bring traffic to your website

Step 6: Increase Return on Investment (ROI) and measure your strategy

Your goals will determine the Return on Investment for your Paid search strategy. Increasing this ROI will mean achieving more from your strategy than what you pay for. How do you increase your ROI? You can do so in many ways, including distributing the budget, abandoning non-performing keywords, and allocating the budget to the highest performing ones. The last step involves measuring and reporting your paid search strategy. This reporting may fail if you don’t measure your steps well. You can measure your strategy’s performance by checking on Auction insights, search terms, campaign performance, and ad performance towards your business. 

Any effective strategy will bring out excellent results. While this process can seem overwhelming, experts can help you carry out an effective paid search strategy. It would be best to consult them for your paid search strategy.

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