App development is exponentially increasing as the demand for its respective purposes also expands. Be that as it may, it is not every app that is invented that gets to see the light of day. Additionally, those that do make it to the market are not equally rated; some carry more weight than others because of their copious functionalities that are useful to people.

These are some of the most popular & requisite ones you should have on your device, as in yesterday. 


This is arguably the most enthralling app out there. It resembles the nature of an online book collection, vision board & lifestyle guideline, all at once. Ideally, the app lets users explore their various areas of interest. You pin anything that strikes your attention to a space called “a board”. Much inspiration can be drawn from it – things like quotes, images, links to articles can be found there. So, if you are looking for a brainstorming guide, Pinterest is the tool you need to adopt as your “best friend”. 


This artistic app is ideal for content creators. It offers a wide range of templates. Anyone can create eye-pleasing graphics with this app, you needn’t be a professional to execute a stellar design. Lacking funds to hire a learned Graphic Designer or to buy expensive Software? Say less, most of the templates provided by Canva are free of charge. These include Book Cover, Brochure, Posters, Logos, Invitations, you name it. 


This app’s slogan  (“Your finances in one place”) is so relevant because

managing personal finance can be a challenge for most of us. It assists in successfully creating a budget, allows you to monitor your expenses & draft your saving goals amongst other financial factors. Its principal benefit is that no money of yours will vanish into thin air, as it has the secure capacity of being synchronized with any of your bank apps. 


Some phones have limited space & force one to delete some files to accommodate new ones.  This storage app allows you to backup up your files (images, videos, audio) onto the cloud. You can then access it anywhere on any other device. It also allows you to share files with other people while boasting the liberty of having control permissions for sharing.


It is such a bummer when you’re looking for a particular item & you cannot locate it at your local shop(s) ; this worldwide online store nullifies that disappointment & has proven time & again to be reputable. Moreover, shopping on your phone or PC promotes the regulations of social distancing, given the current state in the world. Tons of Petrol, time & money will be saved during the process because you’ll be buying from the comfort of your own home. On the contrary, you can also be an entrepreneur on this very same platform by selling any new or old items to generate money, the phone being your “office”. What better way to enjoy “the best of both worlds!” 

All five applications are available for both android & apple users. So what are you waiting for? Hop onto either Google Play Store or App Store & take full advantage of these conducive apps.


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