In the past couple of years, fantasy romance books have really grabbed the attention of readers. In part thanks to the likes of A Court of Thorns and Roses series by Sarah J. Maas and the Blood and Ash series by Jennifer Armentrout but also thanks to Tik Tok. Booktok has an avid reading community and we’ve turned to it, to find the next best spicy fantasy romance novels to read. If you’re wondering what to read next, look no further than some of these best fantasy romance books. In anticipation of the release of the War of Two Queen’s by Armentrout, we’ve compiled a list of the 5 best spicy romance fantasy books to get you through your book hangovers.

Crescent City

by Sarah J. Maas

Sarah J. Maas has done it again with another wildly popular series that has taken her to the NYT bestsellers list. Book two of the Crescent City series, House of Sky and Breath, is sitting at number 1 on the NYT bestsellers list. These books follow Bryce Quinlan as she grapples with a devastating loss and gets assigned to solve the high profile murder with the terrifying Umbra Mortis aka Hunt Athalar. As the two continually argue it out while also being forced to work together the tension between the two eventually leads to a sizzling romance. These books are filled with suspense, surprises and plenty of beloved characters for you to rally behind.

Spice Meter:

Book 1 **

Book 2 *****

Savage Lands

by Stacey Marie Brown 

Savage Lands follows protagonist Brexley as she goes from a life of privilege to being thrown into the most brutal prison where she must fight for survival. Here she meets vicious warrior Warwick Farkas with whom she has a frightening but undeniable connection. As political ploys and maneuvers begin to unravel, the sexual tension between these two prisoners at odds begins to grow. There are plenty of twists and turns and anyone who likes a slow build between the two main characters will enjoy this read. There are currently 5 books out for this series, with the sixth, Shadow Lands, coming out in June.

Spice Meter: *****

The Plated Prisoner

By Raven Kennedy 

The Plated Prisoner series became a hit on Booktok and as the series progresses, the books get much better. Gild, the first in the series, explores some dark and disturbing themes, but author Raven Kennedy explains it was essential to capturing the growth of protagonist Auren. This series is an original take on King Midas – the man who could turn things to gold with just one touch. Midas takes Auren in from the streets and it starts with a major case of Stockholm Syndrome. However, as the book progresses and Auren meets the dark and mysterious Commander Rip, her world begins to unravel. A slow burn romance starts to develop but you’ll have to wait until book 3 to really get to the steamy parts; it’s worth the wait. Book 4 in the series, Glow, is slated for release on May 19th.

Spice Meter:

Book 3: *****

Shadows and Crowns

by S.M. Gaither

This first book, Song of the Marked, centre’s on protagonist Casia who is one of the only people to have survived a life-sucking illness plaguing the land. Stuck in the middle of a political ploy, Casia is assigned to work with the dark and mysterious Captain Elander to try to find a cure for the illness killing so many. The relationship starts off on an infuriating note but as more secrets are uncovered, the two grow closer as they navigate through one precarious situation to the next. This series is filled with lots of loveable characters and twists and turns. As the series progresses, the steamy scenes increase. There are currently three books in the series with a fourth slated for release on May 31st.

Spice Meter: *****

Flesh and Fire

by Jennifer L. Armentrout 

A prequel series to the beloved Blood and Ash series, A Shadow in the Ember is a satisfying read. This book follows protagonist Seraphena as she is trained from birth for one task- to marry the Primal of Death, make him fall in love with her and end him. Nothing is as it seems in this book and nothing seemingly goes to plan as Sera meets the Primal under varying circumstances. This is a great read for anyone into Blood and Ash as it provides a deeper understanding of the back story of Poppy. As with any of our favourite fantasy romances, there is plenty of tension, a battle between good and evil, and a slow build romance. There is currently one book out in the series, with more slated for release.

Spice Meter: ****

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