Chile has officially passed the equality law after a decade in the making. The country had passed the law officially and Javier Silva and Jaime Nazar have become the first same-sex couple to get married in Chile on Friday. 

This news comes after decades of Chile not having equality for the LGBTQ community, and with the support of the former president and current president, the country is proud to stand by this act.

Many countries around the world have only started to pass these laws in the last decade so Chile is not that far behind many other countries. For many, it is obviously a question as to why a law should be passed and why they don’t have a right from the beginning.

NBC News

The couple, Javier Silva and Jaime Nazar are thrilled to be the first citizens in Chile to be married under same-sex law. They stated, “Being the first couple to get married in Chile for us is an honour, something to be proud of.”

The couple themselves never thought that they could ever or would ever be married legally in Chile, for them, they have been together for six years and have two children together already.

Marriage is not just a certificate, but it is a right, and for Silva and Nazar, they stand strong, as a representation for future generations, including the generation of their own children, showing that they too can stand for what they believe in, and sometimes all that needs to be is love.

Article published by HOLR Magazine 


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