This week we are being called to notice when we have been pulled out of our center, due to the energies circulating around us. Sensitivities to our environment are becoming more evident, and we may be more aware of when we are getting pulled into a vortex of chaos. It can be challenging to refocus when this occurs, and so we are being asked to pause in each moment, slow down, and become observant of where this energy is coming from, and the ways in which they are affecting you.


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The secret to remaining steady in each moment is to hold on to your light and understand that no one outside of you can shake you from your core. We have the power to shift the energy in any given moment, and so the work is to remain calm even when those around you are not. The strength to which we can remain focused becomes unshakeable when we simply commit to how we want to feel.

This week, practice maintaining a conscious awareness of your inhales and exhales at each moment. Take your breath from the pit of your belly, all the way up to the chest, and all the way back down. This is the most potent catalyst of change, and as your anchor, it will keep you rooted in even the most turbulent storm.


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Mantra – I remain calm, no matter what is occurring outside of me. I breathe in fully, I breathe out fully.


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