Everyone nowadays has a unique opportunity to create an Instagram profile for their business or personal brand and reach a broad audience like never before. Thanks to the platform’s algorithm, there are many ways in which brands and influences try to take advantage of resources and tools to stand out from the crowd. However, some people struggle to find the perfect formula that fits their brand to engage with their audience and connect with its followers. In our following guide, we share some tips on how to promote your Instagram page and increase your audience engagement.

Use Hashtags And Filter To Your Advantage

Every post you plan for your page should follow a specific purpose for your brand. However, when it’s time to upload it for your audiences, you should make sure that it reaches every potential user that might get interested in your services and products. Using the right combination of trending hashtags that offer high user traffic alongside niche ones relevant to your brand can help your content stand out better. The same situation applies to Instagram’s filters when you’re uploading Stories, available for only 24 hours for your followers to watch.

Your business may already have a distinct design, logo, and vibe you want to communicate to your followers when creating your content. You can enhance every photo and video with filters available on the app itself or use third-party resources to make sure your Instagram profile has a unified look. Successful brands take lots of care into the overall profile’s look and composition, so having a good understanding of what makes a photo composition work can also increase your audience engagement in the long term.

Research About Social Logins

Some small businesses have enough resources allocated into their marketing department to look into boosting options to kickstart their Instagram profile and increase their audience engagement. An initial investment into social logins or signal if you want to increase the number of likes to your Instagram page can be a good option to kickstart your Instagram page and start with a baseline audience. Other options available at this point include other automation services that help you keep your account active even while you’re not logged in to ensure you are still present in your follower’s feed. That way, you can divide your efforts to create content while these services help you fight the algorithm and stay afloat against the harsh digital competition initially.

Use Geotags To Your Advantage

If you want to attack a specific demographic audience in your area, there is no better weapon in your arsenal than geotags in your photos and videos. Whether you have a physical location or you’re looking to attract local audience engagement for specific purposes, this tool is perfect for localizing your Instagram profile among the endless amount of content. It also gives you a competitive edge since you’re looking at more niche audiences rather than looking to tackle an undetermined, international profile.

Take Full Advantage Of Story Highlights

Almost all businesses with an Instagram profile nowadays upload some sort of content to their Stories, whether they offer limited offers or sneak peeks to future products or collections. However, if you’re looking to unlock the full potential of this feature, you can also set highlights in your profile to stick to specific stories that your followers may find helpful or interesting. You get the chance to publish tailored content for this format that wouldn’t fit in your traditional photos or videos for a regular Instagram feed. You can also mix and match the pinned content as your brand sees fit and whenever your audience engages with it best since there are specific hours of the day in which your publications have more chances of causing impact than others.

With these tips on promoting your Instagram page to increase your audience engagement, you have a strong foundation to build a marketing strategy that works specifically for this platform. It’s important to note that you should rely on your external research and particular goals to truly understand the type of audience engagement you’re looking for and what is the best approach to achieve it. For instance, most e-commerce companies are looking for customer conversion through their Instagram profile, while consulting agencies may increase direct messages from potential clients.

In any case, regardless of your goals, reaching out to others through your Instagram page has the untapped potential of making a positive impact in their lives. Whether you’re running a business profile or a personal page, you have the power to connect with others and communicate a powerful audiovisual message if you use the right tools for the job.

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