Marriage and dogs put people at increased risk of suffering from colds on a regular basis.

January 24, 2025: Marriage and dog ownership increase people’s risk of catching colds.

Couples Catch Colds More Frequently Than Singles


The annual Fisherman’s Friend Cold and Flu survey reveals that one in five couples in Britain contract a fever or flu at least once a month, compared to one in six singletons.

The survey shows that people in relationships fall ill more often and take more sick days from work.

It also highlights that 26% of married men who walk their dogs daily face a higher risk of catching a monthly cold, while only 18% of single women with cats experience the same.

Dr. Becky Spelman, a relationship psychologist, explains, “Being close to a partner or family member is essential, but it clearly increases the chances of sharing germs.”

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Published by HOLR Magazine

Sources: Fisherman’s Friend Cold and Flu

Image Credit: BANG SHOWBIZ