After the first episode release of the Sex and the City reboot And Just Like That, Peloton quickly released a tongue-in-cheek commercial featuring Mr. Big himself, Chris Noth. 

If you haven’t already heard the news, Carrie Bradshaw aka Mr. Big’s wife found Big himself collapsed in the showers after a 45-minute Peloton workout, which leads viewers to believe that the Peloton was the reason Big himself died.

As that is and should not be the reason Peloton quickly released an ad featuring Chris Noth, his instructor Jess King and of course narrated by comedy kind Ryan Reynolds. With Noth being the main attracting after the first few episodes, it was released by The Hollywood Reporter that two women have come out with allegations against Noth that they had been sexually assaulted by him in previous years.

As sexual assault is not taken lightly Peloton quickly retracted their ads and social media posts and released a statement saying, “Every single sexual assault accusation must be taken seriously. We were unaware of these allegations when we featured Chris Noth in our response to HBO’s reboot.”

As Noth has already claimed these statements to be false saying “no always means no — that is a line I did not cross. The encounters were consensual. It’s difficult not to question the timing of these stories coming out. I don’t know for certain why they are surfacing now, but I do know this: I did not assault these women.”

Read the full statements on the Hollywood Reporter website.

Article published by HOLR Magazine

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