In these uncertain times, the best thing we can do is stay calm, positive, and set ourselves up for success by thinking fast and acting smart.  Since the self-isolation protocol came into effect, the real estate market is one of the only industries keeping cash moving in our economy. We continue to see properties selling and even multiple over-ask offers on property sales and leases.  People will always need a place to live. As a real estate professional, it is my job to help you safely find a home.

Follow @ShaeInvidiata | @InvidiataRealty

The Invidiata Promise

For the health and safety of our clients and community, we encourage using our online virtual services with our guidance.  We are able to show buyers homes, have all paperwork signed electronically, providing home evaluations, and list your home with full marketing services, all done virtually.

With the recent announcement that Real Estate is an essential service, we are still allowed to conduct in-person showings provided the buyer verifies they have not travelled in the last month or have not shown any COVID-19 symptoms in the last 14 days.  All buyers will be required to wear disposable gloves and a mask in the house while maintaining six feet in distance from the agent showing the property. Using bathrooms in the home are prohibited. If the buyer is sick or in self-quarantine due to travel, we will conduct all business virtually. These measures have been put in place for the safety and well-being of everyone involved. 

The Invidiata Team is committed to helping the needs of our valued clients and those in our community.  In these times where things are changing day by day, we will continue to update you on the market, and we are always here to answer any questions you have.  If you are in a position where you need to sell your home or find a home, we are here to help you every step of the way. Feel free to reach out anytime! Click Here or call 905.339.3444

The following is the GTA market activity March 30 – April 5* 

*stats reflect 8 days past

Oakville Detached 

  • 11 SOLDS ranging from $905K – $2,875,000
  • Nothing sold over asking 
  • 429 Active listings 

Burlington Detached 

  • 7 SOLDS ranging from $812K – $2,300,000
  • 1 house sold over asking 
  • 206 Active listings 

Mississauga Detached 

  • 24 SOLDS in all of Mississauga ranging from $680K – $2,047,500
  • 9 houses sold over asking
  • 167 active listings in south Mississauga – Southdown to Clarkson and South of QEW

Toronto Detached Downtown

  • 4 SOLDS ranging from $1,010,000 to $2,020,000
  • All 4 homes sold over asking
  • 68 active listings

Toronto Detached Downtown (lease)

  • 2 houses leased at $1900 and $3850/month
  • 88 active lease opportunities

Toronto Detached Midtown/Annex 

  • 3 SOLD – $739K, $1,170,000, and $1,235,000
  •  All 3 houses sold over asking
  • 85 active listings        

Toronto Detached Midtown/Annex (lease)

  • 1 leased for $5500/month 
  • 111 active lease opportunities 

Toronto Condo Downtown

  • 22 SOLDS ranging from $390K – $1,068,000
  • 10 condos sold over asking
  • 524 active listings

Toronto Condo Downtown (lease)

  • 45 condos leased ranging from $1750 – $3750 /month
  • Majority leased at full asking
  • 1897 active lease opportunities

A Message From the Heart.  

As we adjust to self-isolation, we all need to be patient and spread love.  I advise my clients to review their financial situation and make small adjustments to preserve cash, take a look at your statements to determine which automated apps or subscription services you can pause or cancel.  Speak with your mortgage advisor to see if deferring your mortgage payments for up to six months make sense for you. Knowing your options and staying proactive will ensure you act from an informed and empowered place rather than a position of fear.  The government has introduced additional measures to provide cash flow relief, if necessary, take advantage of these programs to support your home.  

Here are 3 of my top picks if you need some extra zen in your life this week! 

  • Power Yoga Canada is offering free yoga classes 6 times a day on their Facebook Live.
  • “EFT Tapping,” a hands-on technique that helps to settle your nervous system. The Tapping Solution App has a sequence just for settling fear of the coronavirus.
  • Common Sense Media has a list of meditation apps for kids.

Be kind to yourself and remember to pay it forward to others. We are all in this together!  

Have questions or want to chat?  Email me or catch up with me on Instagram @ShaeInvidiata | @InvidiataRealty