Real travel enthusiast and absolute fashionista, Dominika Trzaska is a Polish-born travel and style content creator. With now 89.7K followers on Instagram, she quit her career in Social Media in 2018 and is currently living the dream as a full-time travel blogger and influencer; from the most stunning beaches in the Maldives, to hot air balloons rides in the skies of Cappadocia and charming European capitals, she has been exploring the dreamiest corners of the world and sharing her travel tips on her blog The Blonde Flamingo. We talked to her about her journey to become a travel blogger, her top London recommendations and her next escapes. Learn more about this inspiring young lady in our interview below. 

What made you want to become a travel influencer? 

To be honest I never planned to become a travel influencer. I feel like it wasn’t “a thing” when I was starting off. Travelling has always been my biggest passion and I would always spend the last pennies on a plane ticket rather than a night out. It all started with a hobby and want to travel for a living. I’ve been snapping photos during my trips and sharing them on Instagram. As my account started to grow, my motivation and goal were to inspire others to travel the world. I wanted to show people everything is possible and teach them how to do it.

How did you break into the industry and turned it into your full-time job?

A lot of sacrifices, hard work, and investment. I’ve invested a lot of money in my Social Media Platforms. I was spending literally everything I was earning at my full-time Social Media job and investing in photography equipment and new travel destinations. I was travelling to my dream but also most trendy places that were getting a lot of attention online and my platforms were growing very fast. I was getting a lot of re-grams of my photos and videos and got my name “out there”. I started to get the first collaboration proposals and invitations to events and first press trips. I also got introduced to many great PR agencies in London that definitely helped me too. In 2018 I got to the point when I was making more money from my Social Media Platforms than my full-time office job so decided to go for it and do what I love and travel full-time. It was still risky as my income wasn’t stable at that point but my love for the world and travelling was stronger than my worries.

What makes your content stand out from the crowd? 

The bright colours and flamingo vibes! I believe my page is very cheerful and brings people good energy, positivity, and motivation. 

What tips would you give to aspiring influencers eager to launch their careers? 

Be yourself. Don’t be afraid to stand out. Don’t be afraid to do things differently. Get inspired but don’t copy. Find your own style and work on it. After some time you’ll laugh at it but this is when you notice the progress. Be proud of what you create. Be you. Let the world see you and love you for who you really are. 

What are the finest hotels you have stayed in? 

Definitely The Ritz-Cartlon in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The most spectacular place my eyes have ever seen!

What is the most underrated destination you have been to? 

Hmm, I think Laos. I found it so authentic and charming!

What’s the scariest thing you have done while travelling? 

Swimming with the sharks in the Maldives! 

What are 3 items that cannot be missed in your luggage? 

My camera, good sunscreen, and of course my signature flamingo pool float, haha!

What are the hardest challenges you have overcome while being on the road?

Definitely motion sickness, especially when on road trips. Also jet lag- many times I change time zones a few times in a month. It can be exhausting. But let me tell you how much I miss it in 2020, haha! 

You are based in London, so tell us…

What are the fanciest spots for an afternoon tea? 

I absolutely love afternoon tea in Sketch London! It’s amazing! Apart from the most delicious food and presentation, the interior is just out of the world! PS. Don’t miss the visit to the toilets 😉

What are the coolest places to shop till we drop?

I love Covent Garden. It’s such a beautiful area full of gorgeous boutiques. Also Mayfair and Harrods!

What are your top clubs for a crazy night in the city?

Not a crazy party person, haha! But I would say Cirque le soir and Sexy Fish, Mayfair.

Where can we have a full English breakfast to die for?

I would go for Aqua in the Shard! Best views in London!

What’s your dream collaboration? (Hotel Chains, tourism boards, other influencers)

Four Seasons chain- I am dreaming of the one in Bora Bora! 

If your budget was unlimited, where would you go? 

French Polynesia

What is the most valuable lesson travel has taught you? 

To appreciate every little thing and moment and never take anything for granted. Because of travelling, I became a more open-minded, loving, sensitive, and grateful person.

What’s one destination that your heart always leads you back to?

Definitely Amalfi Coast, Mykonos, Ibiza. Also the Maldives. My heart always craves to go back there! I’ve been coming back every single year so far! This year I spent almost 4 months around Amalfi Coast and love it even more!

What’s something you never knew about being a travel influencer until you became one?

That it’s a never-ending investment, no matter how “big” you are a Social Media. Also- press trips are not vacations no matter how relaxing it looks on photos and videos. It’s constant work- shooting and filming from super early morning until late night. After that, you head to the hotel and continue working, editing, and replying to emails. It’s also hard for relationships. I struggled for a very long time to find my work-life balance. Still have a lot to learn but I definitely made a little progress. 

Any travel goals for 2021?

All the trips that got cancelled in 2020 due to COVID. I hope in 2021 I can make them happen- California road trip,  Hawaii, Antigua, Oman, Peru, and Bali. 

To keep up-to-date with Dominika’s travels and further ignite the spark of wanderlust inside you, follow @theblondeflamingo on Instagram, Tik Tok, and Pinterest and at

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