Misconceptions on skincare have undervalued our skin, the largest organ in the human body. At some point, we assume that it isn’t important and, therefore, develop habits that are detrimental to our skin’s overall health. You might even be one of those who are following these myths without knowing that these are in fact damaging your skin, not protecting it.

Nonetheless, the skincare industry has received a large amount of attention in recent years making us more aware of what is good and bad for our skin. If you still feel like you need clarification on skincare habits—whether you should be applying a certain product or using two ingredients together—here are some skincare myths that people tend to fall for:


Photo courtesy: Verona Studio/Shuttershock


You Only Need to Use Sunscreen in the Summer

If you’re wondering about the probability of your skin in the winter being exposed to the harsh rays of the sun, yes, it is very likely, and you can still get a sunburn if anything. It is a MUST to apply sunscreen all year-round. It is not about how sunny or gloomy it is outside that determines when to apply sunscreen, or even how bright the sunlight is, but the ultraviolet rays that the sun emits which is often invisible from the naked eye.

However, this isn’t true because even during the colder or warm months, you should always still wear your sunscreen. The sun’s harmful rays are always present (although usually not seen or felt) and disregarding the use of sunscreen can put your skin health at risk. Also, without putting any sunscreen, your skin will be susceptible to sunburn and even skin cancer. The longer you stay outdoors, the higher chances you will have to suffer from these skin conditions.

Thus, regardless of the weather, always wear your sunscreen. Ideally, you should put on sunscreen the moment you step out of your shower or bath. In this way, the natural oil produced by your body is trapped in your skin, supplementing the effects of sunscreen.



Using Coconut Oil as a Moisturizer


Using coconut oil as a facial cream as good as it sounds, isn’t a good idea. Since oils, in general, have a larger molecule than water-based creams, it is less likely to sink into your skin and will only benefit the surface layer. With coconut oil—yes, it’s oil-based which somewhat makes it fine—but the real problem is the consistency of coconut oil itself.  It’s comedogenic as it can block your pores which traps any sebum production that your skin naturally produces and, thus, can cause breakouts, especially for people who have naturally oily skin.

Instead of solely relying on coconut oil as your moisturizer, consul associates in dermatology in Orlando or in your locality to know which moisturizer is best for your needs and skin type. The market is filled with countless skincare products today, making it challenging for you to choose one that fits the bill. By working with pros, you can easily narrow your search and end up with a moisturizer that’s perfect for your skin.

Photo courtesy: Chemistconfessions


You Can’t Use AHAs and Niacinamide Together

AHA’s like glycolic acid and lactic acid used together with niacinamide (a skincare ingredient good at minimizing the look of enlarged pores and controls the production of oil) causes skin redness and flushing. But this can be fixed! As most studies show, mixing active ingredients is a no-no as it results in reactivity. For example, if you mix vinegar with baking soda it causes an explosion…and a mess in the kitchen. Likewise, active skincare ingredients have their good and bad sides. BUT! Here’s the good news: it’s controllable. What makes skincare active ingredients more manageable is you can presume the reaction you get with how much you put, when you put the product on, etc. AHA’s with niacinamide is good as long as you leave time in between when applying the products—at most thirty minutes. Or you can apply one product in the morning and the other during the night.

Photo Courtesy: Pinterest


Using a Toners as an Exfoliator


To some extent, this statement is true when you use toners with cotton pads to wipe your face and see all the dirt or traces of makeup removed. But what a toner really does is it restores the moisture level of your skin or normalizes the skin’s pH level to 5.5. Usually, when you wash your face with a facial cleanser it takes off the dirt and impurities. But sometimes, it’s too good at doing its job (making it VERY effective) that it even strips your natural oils causing your face to feel tight. And this is when toners come to the rescue! Your face feeling tight implies that the surface of your skin is dry. By applying a toner, it preps your skin to absorb the goodness it’s about to get from serums, creams, emulsions, etc.

Photo Courtesy: Jacoblund/istockphoto.com

People with Oily Skin Don’t Need Any Moisturizers

In fact, those who have oily skin need moisturizer most as their skin is compensating for the lack of nourishment on their skin; hence, the excess production of oil. If you’re worried about the texture of a cream being too thick, you can go for a much lighter cream that is gel-type to prevent the greasy or tacky feeling on the skin.

Key Takeaway Points 

Your skin is the biggest organ in your body and one of the most important. Aside from affecting how you look, your skin’s health can also influence your susceptibility to common illnesses and diseases. Poor skin health can result in cracks in your skin, allowing germs and bacteria to easily enter your body.

Make sure that this doesn’t happen by correcting some of the most common skincare myths you might be believing up until now. The sooner you know which ones are right and wrong, the easier it’ll be for you to take care of your skin!