Though not mainstream yet, minimalism is a concept that has been around for a myriad of years & has taken multiple forms during the period of its existence.

Initially, it was but an artistic theory & practice in New York led by artists who owned art galleries. It is towards the fifties that it expanded into various subdivisions, disseminated to different parts of the world & saw people from different walks of life approaching & exploring it in its entirety. In modernity, the concept can simply refer to a process of identifying and accepting what is pivotal in your life & eliminating everything else that isn’t.  Simplicity is its heartbeat, it glorifies awareness & intentionality all in the name of promoting freedom in a world that is largely overwhelmed by consumerism & complexity. However, because of its flexibility, this phenomenon can denote different things to different people, so let us deconstruct its facets & explore different ways you can apply to lead a minimalistic lifestyle. 


“Less is more” is a paradox we hear too often. It sounds melodic in theory, but it is quite chewy in a practical sense. The mere thought of abandoning some of our possessions can be quite difficult to stomach. We’re often detracted by this possibility of needing those idle items someday, which in turn deprives us of the opportunity of letting go. We often turn a blind eye to the psychological effects created by rummage.  

A space devoid of clutter is such a wonder to behold; that refreshing & calming effect you feel after cleaning a messy room serves as an apparent testament to this. 

Research proves that the state of our space is directly proportional to our headspace. You needn’t rearrange your house completely nor are you obliged to make drastic changes. You can start small, perhaps get rid of all the items you no longer utilize in your room. Your home ought to be a sacred space, so it is tactical to first experiment with minimalism where you stay & carry around its healthy benefits everywhere else you go.        


This is the one department where most of us lack mindfulness. We tend to recklessly utilize our money, just to have excessive goods. Budgeting can be a good starting point to limit your expenditure; be disciplined enough to only spend based on your current priorities.  Ask yourself “Is this purchase necessary or I’m buying to impress others & to add onto my already existing excess?” 


As cliché as it may sound, but “quality over quantity” is a sage phrase. It makes no sense to have ten friends, yet you can only rely on one of them when things go south or you can relate to just two. Being surrounded by people whose values align with yours allows you to create genuine bonds & ultimately lead a significant life. 


This is the bubble where most of us spend most of our waking hours. It’s easy for it to burst when it isn’t used with caution. Therefore, it is vital that you focus your online/technological time on carefully selected activities that strongly support things you value to fully extract their full benefit(s) & eliminate unnecessary pressure/toxicity. Intentionality is satisfying & can refrain. 

These small changes can have a huge impact on your life, help you focus on the essential things & reclaim your time. Look, the end goal isn’t achieving perfectionism but a prioritized, simplified & sensible life. Let it serve as a tool to continually inspect & ascertain that everything in your life is working for you & not against you.