gold and green bracelet on brown textile

Any significant investment can be a daunting prospect. Whether we are putting down a deposit on a house, buying a new car, or booking that holiday of a lifetime, we want to make sure that the experience is worth the expenditure. When it comes to smaller products such as clothes and accessories, we often have an even stricter approach to spending. However, in the long run, it is better both financially and emotionally to prioritise quality pieces. 

The value of luxury accessories goes beyond the price tag. These are often gifted to us by loved ones which gives them rare sentimental value, and they may even become a treasured heirloom that is handed down from generation to generation. The durability and timelessness of such high-quality products also means that they deliver perfect function and joy day after day, sometimes literally lasting a lifetime.

Whether you want to indulge in something special for yourself or find the perfect present to mark a special occasion, you cannot go wrong with investing in one of these four luxury accessories that are perfect for everyday wear.

Diamond ring

Famously a girl’s best friend, diamonds are the ultimate luxury when it comes to jewellery. This hardwearing gemstone has a stunning sparkle thanks to its extremely high refractive index, making diamond earrings, necklaces, and bracelets some of the most eye-catching adornments available. As an expression of love, nothing beats a diamond ring that will endure alongside your relationship, whether you are honouring a significant anniversary or proposing an offer of marriage.

Luxury watch

A luxury watch is a long-lasting accessory that is a great way to show sentiment. Traditionally given as a coming-of-age gift, these luxury accessories have the benefit of being as useful as they are attractive. These days, watches from high-end brands range from sleek and simple designs with metal bracelets to smartwatches with all of the latest tech secured by a slip-proof rubber strap, so there are models to suit all ages and tastes.

Designer handbag

Fashions change all too quickly, but the excellent craftsmanship behind designer bags will never go out of style. Designer bags are the perfect blend of function and frivolity, a useful investment that also allows you to express yourself. Again, you can choose from a range of leading brands, sizes, colours, and shapes, so you are sure to find the perfect style for you. 

Branded sunglasses

As all celebrities know, sunglasses are not just suitable for summer. These accessories are useful year-round, and always come in for holidays whether you are headed to the beach or to the slopes. It might be tempting to choose the knock-off versions of these accessories, but they will snap faster than you can say ‘fake’. Investment-worthy sunglasses brands include the ever-popular Ray-Ban, Carrera, and Tom Ford. 

Publushed by HOLR Magazine.

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