Wellness Check Up


Dr. Joel N. Kerr, president and director of therapy at The Health Institute, has answers to your health questions.

Q: How can I maintain healthy eating and activity while on vacation?

A: I recently traveled to Puerto Rico. Here are my top tips to make sure that any extra pounds coming back home with you are in your suitcase, not on your waistline.

Rise & Shine
I personally love working out on vacation. I typically start my day at home at 5:30 am and that doesnt change while I’m away, especially when i can see the sunrise in an exotic setting while I train.. Not a morning person don’t sweat it, the key here is to create and stick to a routine while enjoying yourself.. Try walking on the beach or dancing the night away at the local disco. Plan your workout as part of your days, just as you would a sightseeing trip. And don’t get down on yourself if you miss a workout, just try again the next day.

Battling the Buffet
I encourage smaller meals with a healthy portion of protein and lots of vegetables, and suggest avoiding fried foods and foods rich in sauces that have a combination of sugar and salt that will dehydrate your body in a hot climate. Avoiding the buffet altogether is another winning strategy.. I always advise avoiding mass consumption of alcohol. If you do imbibe remember to drink two glasses of water for every glass of booze to assist in the dilution of alcohol.

Dr.J’s Beach Circuit Training

  • Running on the spot: 20 seconds
  • Jumping Jacks: 20 seconds
  • Mountain Climbers: 20 seconds
  • Burpies with 1 push up: 10 reps
  • 20 Squats
  • 20 Push-ups
  • 20 Front Lunge
  • 20 Triceps Dips
  • 20 Burpies
  • Plank

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