Many are making room in their traditional Western medicine practices for a little Eastern flair; astrology is nothing new, but there seems to be a little extra magic stirring in the air these days. 

all photos provided by Aimee Brothman, 

Cover photo via Allure

In the beauty world, Provence Apothecary has just introduced a Gua Sha Facial Lift Organic Facial, which uses an ancient Chinese Medicine method that incorporates scraping three different types of crystals across the face for a myriad of benefits from encouraging lymphatic drainage to lifting and sculpting the skin. Each crystal is chosen for a reason: dark green nephrite helps promote abundance, calmness and security, while rose quartz is great for around the delicate eye area and helps promote lymph drainage. It also possesses properties that promote love, forgiveness and compassion. Finally, rainbow fluorite has lots of surfaces, making is a dynamic tool for working on adhesions in the fascia and helps promote grounding. 


Take the tradition home with their Dual Action Jade Facial Roller, which boasts two different textured ends (one smooth, one studded) to address and treat different skin concerns. This luxe roller is crafted from Xiuyan Jade, which has been valued for centuries and is believed to channel healing properties. The studded end kneads the skin on a deep level to energize and strengthen skin’s fibres while improving elasticity and reducing fine lines. Using the smooth end helps the skin to recuperate with its cooling effects and reduces the look of redness while moving lymph fluid and detoxifying. 


For a full body crystal-spiked indulgence, Crystal Harmony’s Bath Salts lift spirits with its beautiful blend of crystals, botanicals and salts for a seriously comforting and energizing soak. Green quartz works with the heart chakra to heal emotional issues while inducing harmony and wholeness, while green tea, calendula, sea buckthorn, magnesium and solar dried sea salt improve skin with powerful vitamins and antioxidants. 

Toronto-based Energy Healer, Intuitive, Channeler, and Spiritual Teacher Vivian Osal shares some expert insight about crystals: “Crystals hold their own particular frequencies, and each one has its unique purpose. They are often used in combination with Reiki to amplify the healing process. Reiki is a form of Japanese energy medicine and is an energy healing modality where the practitioner’s hands either hovers or is gently placed on the recipient’s body.” 

Osal explains how crystals are an excellent way to bring the Chakra system back to balance: “In the chakra system, there are seven main chakras – root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown. Each chakra has an associated colour and corresponds with specific organs and physical, emotional and spiritual states of being. When you feel out of balance, the chakra system suggests that one (or more) chakras may be blocked, resulting in an energetic imbalance. Specific crystals are associated with each chakra that help address imbalances.” 


If you’re ready to dip your toe into the world of crystals, Osal suggests “You start by purchasing your first crystal. To begin the process, understand your intention for wanting crystal; healing a broken heart, strengthening your communications, or enhancing psychic abilities. Research which crystal corresponds with your intent, then go to your local crystal shop and allow yourself to explore.

Pay attention to the crystal that calls to you. How do you know when you’ve found it? Remember to trust your intuition, your inner voice. The crystal will jump out at you — pick it up and hold it in your hands. If it feels right for your purpose, go ahead and take it home.


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