With the Coronavirus Pandemic sweeping the world right now, one of the best things we can all do is to participate in social distancing. As I’m sure most of you have heard by now, it is advised that we all stay indoors as much as we can over the next two weeks, at least, to reduce the chances of the virus spreading even further. That being said, we understand that self-quarantining can lead to a case of stir craziness so it’s important to keep your body active, your mind nourished and entertained.

For the next two weeks, we will be putting together lists of some of our favourite things to read, watch and do while we’re all sitting at home trying to combat the spread of COVID-19. To start, HOLRs Creative Director Joshua Davies has compiled a list of his 5 favourite Youtube channels.


A mens fashion series where 4 friends challenge each other to style the best outfits or take the best fashion photo.

It’s Alive

Join Bon Appétit test kitchen manager, Brad Leone, on a wild, roundabout and marginally scientific adventure exploring fermented foods and more. From cultured butter and kombucha, to kimchi and miso, to beer and tepache, learn how to make fermented and live foods yourself.

Willem Verbeeck

Willem Verbeeck brings the audience along as he explores the world of film photography. Willem shoots many styles of photography, everything from portraits, to fashion to landscape.

Job Unlisted

Speedy Morman gives viewers an in-depth look into some of the most aspirational and unexpectedly cool professions that you won’t just find in a job search.

Every Frame a painting

Every Frame a Painting was a series of video essays about film form, made from April 2014 to September 2016, by Taylor Ramos and Tony Zhou. Each video breaks down a film topic in incredible detail.

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