From the rolling hills of green to the snow capped mountains; from the clearest blue skies to the Aurora that lights the night; from the winding rivers woven through the mineral rich lands to the reindeer, caribou and polar bears that roam the regions, the Northwest Territories is home to many untouched natural elements that promise to leave you inspired.  

CANADA, Dehcho, NWT, Northwest Territories, Summer Stories, glacier lake, nahanni national park

The diverse geography of the Northwest Territories offers everything from beautiful vast greenery to the frozen arctic tundra. Divided into five regions–South Slave, North Slave, DehchoSahtuand Western Arctic–each region is characterized by its distinct landscape and inhabitants.  

If you don’t have the Northwest Territories on your bucket list, it’s time you add it because a trip to this incredible Canadian territory will be an experience of a lifetime that will change you.   

Aurora Borealis  

Martina Gebrovska, NWT Tourism, Blachford Lake Lodge, NWT, winter, Canada, lodge
Aurora, Blachford Lake Lodge, winter, lodge
Photo Credit: Martina Gebrovska/Blachford Lake Lodge,
NWT, winter, Canada, lodge, Aurora, Blachford Lake Lodge
Winter, Aurora, Blachford Lake Lodge
Photo Credit: Martina Gebrovska/Blachford Lake Lodge

The Northwest Territories is the mecca of the Aurora Borealis and one of the best places to view this magnificent natural phenomenon. When the midnight sun retires and the fall and winter seasons bring on the dark night skies, the Northern Lights dance through the darkness, painting the sky with a brilliant, colourful light show. For an average of 240 days per year, the beautiful display teases the darkness with colours of green and hints of yellow, purple, pink, red, blue and white.  

Staying at an Aurora Lodge will have you curled up and cozy in a log cabin. You’ll be able to take in the beautiful emerald lights flickering throughout the skies from your winter wonderland, enjoying a home-cooked meal by your host, keeping toasty in the sauna or jacuzzi, and enjoying winter activities like dog sledding and snowmobiling throughout the day.  

If you choose to stay in town, you can venture out to one of the many key viewing spots and take in the awe-inspiring show on your own terms. 

Arctic Reindeer Herding  

Inuvik, Reindeer Crossing, Muskrat Jamboree, winter, Delta Dancers
Photo Credit: Jason van Bruggen/NWT Tourism
Inuvik, Reindeer Crossing, Muskrat Jamboree, winter, Delta Dancers, Reindeer Station
Photo Credit: Jason van Bruggen/NWT Tourism


There’s something about witnessing wildlife in their natural habitat that is both beautiful and moving. January through April, the reindeer herd makes their great migration from their winter haven to their summer breeding grounds.  

In Inuvik, you can witness this arctic spectacle by driving out to the road crossing where the herd passes. If your wild heart wants to witness firsthand the feeling of herding, you can participate in the nearly-one-hundred year long tradition by purchasing an adventure package. This will allow you to venture via snowmobile alongside the herd, learning the Northern ways of life with experienced guides to teach you the ways.  

Dog Sledding  

Bundle up and mush your dog sledding team through the icy and snowy lands. Dog sledding has been a long standing tradition of Arctic culture and a favourite among tourists. Watching the loveable huskies frolic in the snow will keep you lighthearted, just make sure to wear your layers because it can get quite chilly racing behind these furry friendly guides 


CANADA, Dehcho, NWT, Northwest Territories, Summer Stories, little doctor lake

The diverse, beautiful and nearly untouched lands of the Northwest Territories are a sight to see. By taking to the air you’ll be able to witness the scenic geography and wildlife in an unparalleled experience.  

Soar atop the long lakes that wind through the mountainous regions, spot herds of caribou and bison as you swoop through the National Park Reserves, and find remote ghost towns and areas seemingly forgotten as your pilot tells you stories of the area. By bush plane, your sightseeing adventure will take your perspective to new heights and leave you awe-inspired by the natural and rustic beauty.  


For more insider tips on exploring the Northwest Territories, check out the Spectacular Northwest Territories website and follow them on Instagram. 

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