Having a healthy diet is one of the easiest ways you can look after your body and keep yourself fully functioning. What you eat is what directly fuels your body and gives you energy, so it is important to make smart choices and think about the long-term health benefits rather than simply satisfying short term cravings.

It has always been known that healthy eating is one of the best things you can do to look after your body, but this has been emphasized since the pandemic began, as it has been shown that what you eat is one of the biggest factors in determining your body’s capability of fighting off viruses. So, to protect your current and future self against harm, it is always advised that you watch your diet and make sensible choices. Here’s how.

Incorporating Superfoods into Your Diet

Foods that are particularly rich in nutrients are often referred to as ‘superfoods’ and these are especially good for you. Wherever possible, you should try and regularly incorporate superfoods into your diet, since they have more nutritional value than regular foods and often contain antioxidants which can help protect your body further.

The majority of superfoods are plant based and whilst they are not scientifically categorized, the fruits and vegetables that come under this label are often the ones rich in colour, such as kale, blueberries and beetroot. Why not try experimenting with a few home cooked meals that contain these ingredients until you find one that you love? This could include beetroot hummus, kale pesto or blueberry pancakes.

Eat Food That Is High in Fibre

Fibre is one of the most essential food groups for maintaining a healthy diet and it can dramatically reduce your risk of developing diseases such as bowel cancer or heart disease. Fibre is not consumed anywhere near enough as it should be, but it can help massively with your digestion.

Again, fibre is found in plant-based food and is mainly in fruit and vegetables, but it can also be easily found in a lot of starchy food and particularly in wholegrain. To incorporate more fibre into your diet, firstly you should try and consume more fruit and vegetables, but also try and get your carbohydrates from natural sources such as lentils and barley.

Bread, if wholegrain and seeded can be a source of fibre, but not if it is highly processed. Processed foods in general are bad for your health and should only be eaten as an occasional treat.

Organic Fruit and Vegetables

Buying and eating organic fruit and vegetables where accessible and affordable is generally much better for you than those that are non-organic. Organic fruit and vegetables firstly contain either no or far fewer pesticides and other fertilisers than non-organic versions, which is a positive since many are harmful to your health. Pesticides and fertilisers are often used heavily to ensure maximum crop growth, as there are not always ideal temperatures or soil conditions for this to happen naturally. Even after washing vegetables and fruit thoroughly, there may still be chemicals in them if buying from unknown sources, so organic is a great alternative.

Invest in Insurance Against Diabetes

If you want a more comprehensive look at the types of foods you should be eating to remain healthy overall, check out this blog from I’m Insured, titled 12 Foods That Are Brilliant For Your Heart. It is a useful point of reference when planning out your weekly meals to keep yourself eating properly. However, it is always good to have backup in case your health does not go to plan. Looking into getting diabetes life insurance from a comparison site like I’m Insured can be a wise step, particularly if you think you may be at risk. Diabetes is not always determined by weight as it is more about internal factors than external ones and can be developed later on in life.

If you are diabetic, it is important that you watch what you eat and do not consume anything too high in sugar or salt. Getting into these habits from a relatively young age can get you into a pattern of eating nutritiously and stops you getting too much of a taste for unhealthy junk foods.

Even if you were not brought up eating particularly healthily, it is definitely worth spending a little time doing research as well as planning out weekly meals to ensure you are getting all of the nutrients you need in. Eating healthily often is attached to a negative stigma that it has to be boring and bland, but in fact, it is the complete opposite. Once you know some good staple healthy meals, you will find them just as, if not more delicious than junk food and they will make you feel great after eating too, rather than having guilt about your meal.

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