Essential oils have been a popular thing for a while already. They are often used as aromatherapy and, in some cases, they could be a form of alternative medicine. They are compounds extracted from plants. The oil captures the plant’s scent or “essence”. They are made through distillation by steam or water, or through other processes such as cold pressing.

Their most common use is aromatherapy. They are not meant to be swallowed or put directly on the skin. Since the essence is very strong, it can be very drying and make the skin more sensitive. Inhaling the aromas they produce can stimulate areas of the limbic system, which is the part of the brain that works with emotions, behaviors, and long-term memory.



The limbic system plays an important role in controlling unconscious physiological functions like your breathing, blood pressure, and heart rate. This is why some people claim that essential oils can be used as a form of alternative medicine. This has yet to be confirmed by studies and experts.

There are more than 90 different types of essential oils, and each one of them can have different uses, whether they are used by themselves or blended with others.

Lavender oil is a very popular one. It is associated with benefits for relaxation, stress relief, and better sleep. It can also be applied for bug bites, cuts and burns, eczema, sunburns, and to freshen laundry.

Lemon oil is mainly used for its smell and cleaning potential. It is added to purpose cleaner, carpet cleaning solution, stain remover, to neutralize odors, polish furniture, and kill germs (a very important thing during these COVID days).

Peppermint is one of the oils most associated with alternative medicine. It is said to help relieve symptoms of digestion, and it is often used to cure nausea, morning sickness, and heartburn. It can help get rid of other discomforts such as inflammation, headaches, and fevers. It is most commonly found in toothpaste and can help with concentration.



Tea tree oil is commonly used in skin care products because of its immunity boosting and infection-fighting properties. It can be used to treat acne, but it shouldn’t be applied by itself on the skin, since it can be very drying and cause irritation. When diluted with other products such as moisturizer or just water, its benefits are great.

Whether you want to use something to freshen up your home, your laundry, or are looking for a form of alternative medicine, there is one essential oil for you.

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