Because your pet needs a vacation too. 

Tips For Travelling With A Pet

Photo Credit: Ignacio Amenabar via Unsplash

If you plan to take your fur friend on a nice vacation with the rest of the family, here are some tips to help you and your pet be more at ease. 

Consult your vet

This should be the first thing you do before travelling with your pet. Consult your vet and ask for necessary health certifications that you can have on hand in case you’re travelling across the state.

Pack a Pet Travel Kit 

In this travel kit, you should include the following but not limited to pet travel documentation (if needed), health certificates, recent immunization records, medications, food, water and bowls. It won’t hurt adding a toy or two in there too. 

Research your airline

If travelling by air, it is important to do your research on your airline of choice. Some airlines are more favourable to travel with your pet than others, and it will also benefit you to read customer’s reviews. 

Have a spacious and comfortable carrier for your pet

If you’re travelling by car, it’s important to secure your pet in a carrier. This will prevent you from getting distracted and it will prevent your pet from getting hurt. It is recommended that you situate your pet at the back of the car to give them extra space. 

Feed your pet light meals before travelling

Between three to four hours before you’re departure, you should feed your pet with light meals only. Pets are also susceptible to car sickness. To avoid them from getting sick, only feed them light meals until you get to your final destination. This is not to say that you should starve your pet too. Always be cautious and be wary of your pets’ behaviours if they’re getting too hungry. Alternatively, you can make a stop every few hours to feed your pet but never feed them in a moving vehicle. 

Tips For Travelling With A Pet

Photo Credit: Treddy Chen via Unsplash

Keep your pet hydrated

You can keep them hydrated by putting a travel-safe water bowl in their carrier, or using a portable water bottle like this one. It is important for them to regularly drink water throughout the trip.

Plan your bathroom breaks

If you’re taking your pet on a long drive, you should plan your bathroom and walking breaks ahead of time. Make sure that you can take your pet out of the car now and then because just like you, they need a break from travelling too.

Don’t just hand off your pet to anyone

Pets get anxious too. So if you’re going through security, try to hold on to your pet while they screen your carrier. Refrain from handing your pet off to a stranger or putting them on the floor. Pets can get anxious when they are surrounded by unfamiliar people in an unfamiliar location. 

Bring their favourite toy

That being said, you should bring your pet’s favourite toys (limit it to a maximum of 3 or however many you can logistically fit in your luggage). This will help ease their anxieties. Once you’ve settled to a (pet-friendly) hotel, they can feel anxious due to the unfamiliarity of the space but if you provide them with their favourite toys, they can feel more at home.

Published by HOLR Magazine

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