Positivity does not always refer to simply smiling and looking cheerful, however, positivity is more about one’s overall perspective on life and their tendency to focus on all that is good in life.

Research shows that there are many, many benefits to adopting a positive mindset. Being positive can improve overall health and well-being. It can also help you become more resilient and adept at handling anything life throws your way.

According to the Mayo Clinic and WebMD, positive thinking can offer a variety of physical and mental benefits including a long life span, a lower rate of depression, improved heart health and reduce risk of having a heart attack.

Here are some tangible ways you can cultivate a more positive mindset.

Keep a Jornal and Embrace Affirmation:
Gratitude journaling is a great way to shift your focus to the positive by writing things you are grateful for and making note of your smallest achievements helps you most optimistic. Embracing positive statements such as affirmation cards and using them as your screensaver on a phone or laptop or hanging small wall art in areas that can be seen daily, the more you see positive statements the more thinking them will become natural and a force of habit.

Consume Positive Content and Meditation
In the same vein, exposing yourself to positive podcasts, books, social media accounts, and other types of content can help you harness the power of positive thinking. Take the time to unfollow or “hide” people if you find yourself being negatively affected by them snd focus your attention on a constant meditation such as taking long breaths helps relax and bring calmness to the body. 

Home Fitness:
Maintaining an exercise routine by watching online videos to follow along with, as we do not need the gym to know how we can improve ourselves and reach our goals. Also, there are no other gym-goers to feel intimated by or taking up the equipment you want to use. There are no rules with home fitness, do what you enjoy and makes you feel good.

Stop Comparing:
You likely know this, but the comparison game is harmful and usually only highlights the things we don’t have. Instead, focus on what you do have and how you are already blessed. Instead of looking at your weaknesses, ask yourself what your strengths are, celebrate and be proud of them.

Practice Self-Care and Do Something Good:
Schedule intentional time out weekly to take care of yourself and do things that make you happy. Hobbies, relaxation, and play are all activities that fan the flames of happiness. Also, find a cause you believe in and get involved. 

Being part of something bigger than you is a great way to increase those feel-good feelings. Positive thinkers view failure as a learning opportunity and setbacks as challenges for them to tackle and approach from a new angle. So make it a regular practice to reframe difficult situations and look for the silver lining. Ask yourself, what can this experience teach me? How can I grow from this?

Published on HOLR Magazine.


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