Three items you need to add to your fall routine.

As we begin to transition into a work or school-oriented fall routine, it’s that time of the year where many of us start to experience symptoms of Seasonal affective disorder (SAD). With the addition of stress and anxiety caused by a global pandemic, the majority of people may also experience sleepless nights and anxious days after an especially challenging year and a half. 

It’s so important, now more than ever, to indulge in methods of self-care. In order to help combat autumn stress and anxiety of the season, check out our must-have list of the top wellness products designed to help you relax during the upcoming fall and winter months. 

Men’s Total Synergy & Women’s Total Synergy

Smartvita, Men’s Total Synergy (CAD $63.99) 

Smartvita, Women’s Total Synergy (CAD $63.99)

Smartvita’s Men’s Total Synergy & Women’s Totaly Synergy are daily multivitamins that you can take to optimize your mood and energy levels. 

These Total Synergy Multivitamins include essential vitamins such as iron, zinc, rhodiola, vitamin D, and B vitamins, which are all incredibly helpful for fighting seasonal blues. Each batch of Smartvita supplements is also triple-tested to ensure purity and potency. 

Premium Fish Oil 1000

Smartvita Premium Fish Oil 1000 ($36.99 CAD)

Did you know that studies suggest that the Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil may improve mood disorders such as mild depression? 

Smartvita’s Premium Fish Oil 1000 contains 75% concentrated fish oil complete with potent EPA and DHA fatty acids that the body can’t produce on its own. Fish oil can also be used to maintain healthy skin, decrease inflammation and improve overall wellbeing.  

Daytime Zen Wellness Tea Blend 

Niyama Wellness, Daytime Zen Relaxing Wellness Tea blend ($15 CAD)

Help relax your mind with Niyama’s soothing herbal tea that’s filled with organic ashwagandha, wild-crafted ginger, cardamom, and cinnamon cloves. This caffeine-free and sustainably sourced blend is an amazing addition to your tea cabinet!

If you’re experiencing a difficult time during the current change in weather and seasons, try including these wellness must-haves into your fall routine. Small updates like this can help improve your overall mood and well-being. Specially created to help combat stress and anxiety often brought on about by the sun setting on the summer season, these items can help relax your mind and your body.

Published by HOLR Magazine.

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