There are thousands and thousands of different gaming apps out there, and downloading the first one you come across is one of the worst things you can do. Even if you get a recommendation from someone else, you still have to do your homework to know if the app is safe. You then have to watch out for the traps gaming companies set to swindle people out of their money and know if you’ll enjoy the app before it takes up valuable space on your mobile. Let’s take a look at some of the things you should consider before downloading a gaming app.


Check the Source

It’s important that you check who the people behind the app are and if they’re trustworthy before you download any app. This is especially important if you were thinking of doing some online gambling, as most of the gambling apps are self-hosted.

One of the things you could do there is to check the best casino apps in Canada on a reputable review site first. You could and should learn about the different licensing bodies out there, but going with a respected review site will make things easier for you, as they will take the time to verify the legitimacy of sites before they list them.

If you want to download games from the App Store or Google Play, look at the developer’s history and how many downloads the app got. Anything with over 100k downloads and good reviews can generally be trusted.

Watch Out for Permissions

One of the things you have to be extremely careful with is the level of access you give to the gaming app. If an app requires access to things like your contact list, for instance, then this is a major red flag. There are some cases where asking for location is relevant, such as with sites with geographical restrictions, but demands for access to information or functions that have nothing to do with the game should be viewed with high suspicion.

Recent Updates

It would also be a good idea to check the update history on any game. Regular updates are very important for many reasons. 

For one, they ensure that the game runs smoothly with as few bugs as possible. But, more importantly, updates are often performed to patch gaping security holes, and playing on an outdated app could put you at risk. So, make sure that you only download games that are updated often.

Look at What the Community Has to Say

You should also take the time to see what people in the gaming community have to say about a particular app before you pick it up. Go on Youtube and look for videos about the app. Check what the person creating the video has to say and look at the comments. 

If there are lots of comments, you should start seeing things people like or didn’t like about the app. Or you might notice that everyone is advising people to avoid the app at all costs. This could be all that you need to know to make your decision.

These are all things you need to pay attention to when looking at gaming apps. Whatever you do, always remember to take the time to do your research, download from reliable sources, and stay safe at all times.



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