HOLR is chatting with Alisun (Alison Solis), the talented Mexican-Cuban artist who just released a new single!


Alisun is taking the music industry by storm with her new hit single and #SpreadTheLove Challenge! The talented Mexican-Cuban artist recently premiered “Around the World” this past month, making it her third recorded single.

Today, HOLR is chatting with Alisun about her music and the details behind encouraging people to engage in random acts of kindness for the social media campaign, #SpreadTheLove Challenge.


Tell us about your journey and experience within the music industry.

I’ve grown up in the industry- my dad is a performer! I’ve been around this in a different way on the Latin side. I’ve grown up seeing it all happen and now I’m part o it. I grew u in a very musical household- I played piano since I was 4. I didn’t like to practice when I was a kid and that bit me later on in life, but I’m always looking to better my craft! I used to perform at local theatres as a kid, I did dance since I was very young, as well.

I think that everything that has happened throughout my life has led me to this moment. I did theatre in high school which confirmed my love of doing music and performing! I had severe stage fright before but doing theatre brought me out of my shell and allowed me to be more confident. Stepping into the shoes of another character helped.

Walk us through the process of creating and releasing your music, since you recently premiered “Around the World”, which is your third recorded single.

I wrote Around the World when I was 17/18! I actually wrote it in response to Greta Thunberg’s UN speech, and how she was talking to world leaders about how they led our generations down in regards to the climate crisis. It impacted me how someone so young had such a clear view of what needs to e done in the world- and not being afraid to do it. She stood up to authority at such a young age, which is difficult to do at that age. That’s basically what impacted me and motivated me to write this song.

There are kids singing in the song that say, “We live in hope that you will give us kids a chance,” and, in the song, I respond with, “I will never let you down.”  In a way, I am sharing my response to Greta. I do a lot for the planet, and environment by creating a good impact, at least with my own capabilities. I am actively trying to reduce my plastic consumption as much as possible, I’m vegan, I donate to wildlife preserving organizations, etc.

The song is also about listening to your own inner child, and what your inner child wanted to see as the future, and creating it. We all have this idea as kids of making the world better, and I think if we reconnect to this we can act on it together.


This is an exciting time in your career! In regards to your career to date, you previously toured with pop-rock band Camila. What were those shows-and others- like?

I was on tour with Camila many years ago for a couple of years and it was a huge experience for me to grow and evolve as a performer. That tour helped me become so much more confident in myself. Every backup singer had a duet with the main singer on the show which helped me transform my fear of stage fright into excitement. It was so cool!

Recently, I was able to guest star on my Dad’s tour. He allowed me to perform my own song for the first time which was so special to me. I am so honoured to have had that opportunity.


Tell us more about the #SpreadTheLove Challenge.

Coming soon, there will be a #SpreadTheLove Challenge linked to my song “Around The World. “It’s about spreading love in different ways and doing one or a couple of little things that will create a cause and effect of good in the world. For instance, helping elderly people, planting trees, giving some donations to wildlife conservations, something like that! Spreading the love to others and other living beings- which is what life is all about!

It’s about giving love from our hearts and infusing others. The goal is to spread cause and effect! It’s about doing good and allowing people to see that there are people who care and that there is a movement of unity happening. Be sure to use the hashtag #SpreadTheLove.

Published by HOLR Magazine.

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