When you own a vehicle, you have to take the time to keep it in its best condition. In this way, not only will it be road-worthy, but you will also have the chance to lengthen its lifespan. This article provides a quick how-to guide to help you maintain your car the right way.

How to Maintain Your Car’s:


To maintain your car’s tires, the first thing that you need to do is to ensure that it has the proper pressure. The car enthusiasts behind AutoGuysLand suggest that you should take the time to check your tire’s pressure routinely using a tire pressure gauge. In this case, make sure that the reading on the gauge conforms to the recommended tire pressure based on the handbook you got along with your vehicle. This will not only foster a road-worthy vehicle but will also lengthen the lifespan of your tires. Just keep in mind to change your tires according to the weather as well, putting on winter tires during the coldest months of the year.

Oil and Fluids

Another thing that you need to carefully inspect regularly to foster proper maintenance of your vehicle is your oils and fluids. Change your oil regularly to ensure that your car is running in its best condition. In this case, you can either take your car to the service center to change the oil or do this process yourself. In terms of the latter, you will need to take the time to familiarize yourself with the necessary steps to drain the fluid, set the correct oil level, and dispose of the old oil. Make sure to check the other fluids of your vehicle too such as its coolant and power steering fluid, as well as the brake and transmission fluids.


Make sure to also check the lights of your vehicle because apart from getting a ticket due to a broken or worn-out bulb, this is also considered a safety hazard. What you can do then is to learn how to properly inspect each of the bulbs integrated into your vehicle. As soon as you find a worn-out one, make sure to take it to a service center to have it replaced immediately. They are the ones who are in the best position to determine whether it is the bulb that needs to be replaced or the fuse.


The brake pads of your vehicle also need to be inspected regularly to ensure that these are functional. What you can do then is to listen for any brake noises while you are driving. You should also pay close attention to any vibration from the brake pedal. If you do notice any indications that cause concern, take your car to a service center as soon as possible.

Engine Air Filters

To ensure that your car’s engine is working efficiently, you have to change its air filter regularly. The reason behind this is that the dirt that accumulates in the filter can cause the poor performance of your engine. A good rule of thumb is to inspect your engine air filters at least once every year and replace them as necessary.

Belts and Hoses

When it comes to the belts and hoses of your car, make sure to have them inspected each time you change the oil. This will ensure that they are in their best condition, alleviating you from the inconvenience of having a breakdown on the road. For instance, when your serpentine belt suddenly breaks down, then a lot of other systems of your vehicle dependent on it may also fail.


Finally, you should also take the time to inspect the wipers of your car, replacing them in case they are no longer working as they used to. During heavy rains or a snowstorm, worn-out wipers can reduce your road visibility, increasing the hazard that you may face on the road. In this case, take the time to familiarize yourself with how to inspect the wipers of your car and have them replaced as necessary.

a mechanic working on a car

To help you maintain your car the right way, you have to carefully inspect all of the items listed above, from your tires to your wipers. Alongside this, it will also prove to be beneficial to have your vehicle checked up or inspected by experts. Also, make sure that you have the proper insurance coverage in place because all these are geared towards ensuring that your car is not only in its best condition, but you will also get to enjoy using it a whole lot longer.

Published on Holr Magazine