Amanda Bynes Pregnant At 13

Since the release of the ‘Quiet On Set’ docuseries, a lot of heavy truths about the hardships that child actors had to endure on the set of Nickelodeon shows has come to light. One of the accused during the show was former Producer Dan Schneider who has since issued an apology for his actions like overlooking the toxic workplace he was a part of. But now people online have begun to unearth some of Amanda Byne’s old tweets on her burner account, Ashley Banks and it’s leading people to question if something far more sinister was taking place at the time in regard to Dan Schneider.

Amanda Bynes Dan Scheider Pregnant

In the old tweets, Amanda Bynes allegedy alludes to Dan Schenider impregnating her at 13. As these tweets were posted during her mental health crisis, people are saying that they were widely overlooked and not taken seriously. Outside of the tweets about Dan, Amanda also posted that her parents were controlling everything she was doing and she wanted her truth to be heard. In regards to the pregnancy at 13 Amanda Bynes tweeted, “Can you imagine having an abortion at 13 because your boss impregnated you? Committed because your father touched you?”

Amanda Bynes Dan Schneider Pregnant

Amanda Bynes Baby Dan

Update: Dan Schneider has defended his relationship with a young Amanda Bynes following shocking allegations made in the documentary “Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV.”

Amanda Bynes Parents Abuse

She said that her parents were stealing her money and also accused her dad of incest. Saying, “he called me ugly as a child and then asked me if I wanted to have sex with him and I said no and I did not know how to respond.” Amanda claimed that her dad was physically and verbally abusive to her as a child and that she wanted people to know the truth about him.

Amanda Bynes Dad Incest

Amanda Bynes Ashley Banks Twitter Account

To prove that the account was really run by her, Amanda Bynes posted a photo of her ID to verify that it was in fact her tweeting. Amanda Bynes was a huge child star and she has defintily been on an incredibly hard journey. As these tweets continue to unravel, we hope that Amanda finds peace and gets justice where it is deserved.

Amanda Bynes Ashley Banks Old Twitter Account

Published by HOLR Magazine.

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