Are New Jersey Drones Looking For Missing Nuclear Warheads?

The mystery of the drones over New Jersey deepens as new theories emerge. One of the latest theories on reddit suggests that the drones are looking for missing nuclear warheads. This theory started after a credit user posted a screenshot of an alert indicating a missing material that’s radioactive. However, the notice does say that it’s “less than Cat 3” meaning that it has nominal radioactive material that isn’t likely to cause permanent injury.

Missing Nuclear Warhead Ukraine

Drones Missing Nuclear Warheads Reddit Theory

The notice was published on December 13th, 2024 and states that the “source” was lost in transit in New Jersey. Because it is also classified as a non emergency event, it seems less likely that this notice is referring to missing nuclear warheads. This Reddit User posted their theory that geranium-68 went missing “during a shipment for disposal” and that it can be extremely harmful if opened. The user indicates that a radiation detector may have gone off in New Jersey at the same time. Additionally, this rumor has been gaining traction after CEO of Saxon Aerospace John Ferguson made a comment. In it he indicates that he believes they are searching for a missing warhead.

CEO Of Saxon Aerospace John Ferguson Drone Theory

John Ferguson released a video online with his theory. In the theory he states that there was a nuclear warhead sent from Ukraine to The U.S. Allegedly, they are now searching for this warhead as it is missing. Another Twitter user added that he believes the U.S government are “grid searching for a weapon.”

New Jersey Missing Nuclear Warheads

This user adds that years ago his dad was on contract with he government to do nuclear attack scenarios. Based on what his dad told him, this man says that he’s beginning to get responses on this from officials and that there is a debate happening at the Whitehouse now. Do they keep this a secret? Or do they reveal it and risk the fallout of irresponsibility and not being truthful.

Please note that these are all theories and no claims have been substantiated by U.S officials yet.