The “Breaking Bad” spinoff series “Better Call Saul” dramatically launched on AMC back in 2015  causing a ruckus and confusion amongst the “Breaking Bad” faithful. Seven years later, the series returns for its sixth and final season with suspense surrounding the future of scheming lawyer Saul Goodman, played by Bob Odenkirk. 

Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould hit two birds with one stone with the creation of this series since this is both a sequel and a prequel to the original masterpiece known as “Breaking Bad.” After an awfully slow start in the first season of the show, the viewers are quickly grappled by the detailed writing and immaculate character development, circulated around Slippin’ Jimmy, who was the alias of Jimmy McGill, now known as Saul Goodman. 

Goodman will do anything for success, and the sweet taste of success is experienced after a ton of trials and tribulations. His love-life is complex, he experiences traumatic situations, befriends many people who get replaced by new acquaintances, and he gets involved with a Mexican Drug Cartel. With the new season right around the corner, here is everything you need to know about the sixth and final season of “Better Call Saul!.”

Saul Goodman and Kim Wrexler having a smoke.


When Will Season 6 Premier?

AMC announced the premier date of “Better Call Saul,” which will take place on Netflix with back-to-back episodes on Monday, April 18 2022 at ET. The series will follow the same path as its successor “Breaking Bad” by being split into two parts. The first half will contain seven episodes, starting off with a two-episode premier. The remaining six episodes will be released in the second half of the series which will take off on July 11, 2022.

For the starvers whose Better Call Saul craving will never end, AMC also revealed that the final season will be marshalled by three short-form series that diversify the Better Call Saul universe.” These shows include an animated series called “Slippin Jimmy” that follows the younger Jimmy McGill in Chicago in “Coopers Bar,” featuring Goodman’s wife Kim Wexler played by Rhea Seehorn, along with new episodes of “Better Call Saul Employee Training.”

Which Cast Members Are Returning?

For obvious reasons, Bob Odenkirk will be returning for the last edition of Better Call Saul to play Saul Goodman. He will be followed by his wife Kim Wrexler (Rhea Seehorn), who has a newfound confidence after standing up to Lalo Salamanca (Tony Dalton) during season 5. Breaking Bad fan favourite Mike Erhmentraut (Jonathan Banks) will also be back. Look forward to seeing more of Howard Hamlin (Patrick Fabian), Nacho Varga (Michael Mando), and Breaking Bad’s “Los Pollos Hermanos owner,” Gus Fring (Giancarlo Esposit).

However, arguably the more anticipation will be around the potential recurrence of the Breaking Bad characters. DEA agent Hank Schrader played by Dean Norris and his partner Steve Gomez (Steven Michael Quezeda) appeared in Season five, along with other well-known Breaking Bad characters such as Tuco, Huell, Gale, and Krazy-8.

Who else could return? Could the infamous Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul) return? Will we get a whiff of Walter White (Bryan Cranston)? You never know.

Gus Fring and Mike Erhmentraut

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The Expected Plot:

The season 5 finale set up the storyline of Kim against Howard, and Lalo versus everyone. The final scene in the finale saw Lalo filled with rage after a failed assassination attempt on him by Fring. With a dead mother and his house almost in ashes, Lalo will be out for blood, and his potential prime victim could be Varga, who disappeared during the assassination, after Lalo realizes his colleague’s involvement in the devastating plan. 

The new season is set up perfectly for all characters to meet their inevitable faith. Meanwhile, check out this trailer as you impatiently wait for the drama to unfold.

Published by: HOLR Magazine.