Rumors are circulating that Vanessa may have left The Ultimatum experiment because of her trial husband, Nick. Is this true?

The Ultimatum Cast

December 9, 2024– According to this TikTok video posted by user @positivelyuncensored, there are rumored claims that Vanessa left the experiment early because of Nick, who was her trial husband.


Maybe I am cold towards Nick and I reserve the right to change my mind but right now I find him performative and manipulative but with good art I’ll give him that #theultimatum #theultimatumnetflix #ultimatum #ultimatumseason3 #theultimatumseason3

♬ original sound – Positively Uncensored

Who left The Ultimatum

Netflix’s The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On, is a social experiment designed to explore how many couples will choose to marry when faced with ultimatums.

The show follows several couples who are on the brink of marriage and gives them eight weeks to decide whether to commit or part ways. After this period, the couples are separated and must select new partners from the remaining group, with whom they will live for three weeks.

In season 3- which is going viral online- we see Nick and Sandy, who are a duo, and Vanessa and Dave, who are also a couple, enter the experiment. However, when the ultimatum is put into play, the couples divide for a few weeks. Nick ends up with Vanessa when they pick each other as trial marriage partners in episode 3 of the show.

However, in a twist of events, we see Vanessa and Dave and Chanel and Micah decide to secretly recouple with one another as their original partners, and ultimately leave the social experiment. This leaves Nick – and Mariah, another contestant- on their own.

Now, rumors are spreading about why Vanessa allegedly left Nick.

As the TikToker above claims, there are rumors that Vanessa left because of Nick’s behavior.

As the video explains, Dave- her real-life partner- replied to a recent comment recently that alleged Nick was “not okay” to Vanessa behind the scenes. Dave subsequently replied to this comment alleging that the commenter was “one of the smart ones.” However, he did not elaborate on what his response meant or was alluding to.

According to this article outlined in Cosmopolitan, Vanessa left a response on Instagram following her departure from the show in which she claimed:

“I know I just had to do what was best for my mental health. You’re only seeing 1%.”

She also did not elaborate on what she meant by this comment.

The Ultimatum Sandy and JR

The TikToker also claims that Nick did not show any kind of attraction towards Vanessa unless it was in front of the others. The TikToker alleged that it looked as if he tried to connect with Vanessa on screen in front of his ex because he knew Sandy was forming a deep connection with J.R.

The TikToker also alleged that Vanessa and Nick’s conversations felt “awkward” when they lived together for a short period of time during their trial marriage.

Mariah, who spent a short amount of time with Nick at one point, also pointed out to his ex Sandy that he was not “husband material” based on her personal interaction with him.

Do you think Vanessa left because of Nick? Even though we don’t have all of the details, and there is no concrete evidence to back up these claims, these cryptic posts have caused speculation online. We will have to stay tuned to see if more details emerge as the show continues.

New episodes for The Ultimatum Season 3 on Netflix drop Wednesday. 

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Published by HOLR Magazine

Image Credit: @ultimatumnetflix Instagram, @positivelyuncensored TikTok