HOLR is sitting down with model and content creator, Dani DMC.
Dani DMC is taking the world by storm as a renowned plus-size model, content creator, and confidence activist. Today, HOLR is sitting down with Dani DMC to talk about everything- from how she got her start in the industry to encouraging her audience to be unapologetically confident.
Keep reading to find out how Dani DMC’s experience in modeling inspired her to create change in the industry, how she found confidence to be the gateway to freedom, and what’s next for her!
Talk to us about how you got started in the space as a model and now confidence activist and content creator?
It’s wild because if you asked the younger me what I was going to be when I grew up, I would’ve told you some variation of the specific entrepreneurial venture I was into at the time (Dance studio owner, jewelry maker, nail artist, etc.). Never would I have responded by saying “I’m going to be a model, public figure, or content creator.” I’m still in awe of this career I’ve created and will never take it for granted. I never saw girls that looked like me or that didn’t fit into society’s standards in the media as a kid, so to be able to play a role in transforming that for the next generation fills me up in a way I know no other career could.
I moved to Los Angeles and honestly kind of fell into the modeling industry. At the time, the industry was really taking off for curvy and plus-size women and I was really excited and eager to be involved in such a big and long-awaited shift in the fashion industry. I got signed to an agency fairly quickly in LA, then was signed in NYC and Chicago. The beginning of my career was a bit of a whirlwind and I honestly enjoyed it so much, but realized quickly there were a lot of issues still happening in the modeling world, especially when it came to only certain bodies being deemed “acceptable” for plus size modeling. A lot of editing and airbrushing was being done. I knew I had the potential to make a bigger impact on the world and make people feel seen and loved just as they are. YouTube was the first platform that really allowed me to freely use my voice and spread my message, while also incorporating fashion and beauty. I slowly made the transition to full-time content creator and confidence activist and created and maintained my beloved confidence crew community across all social media platforms.
How have your experiences in modeling inspired you to create change and become a believer in radical self-love?
I wanted to be a pioneer in media, specifically within the fashion and modeling industries. While I definitely feel like I left a footprint, I quickly learned my voice would be better amplified and more impactful as a content creator and public figure. While I love being in front of the camera getting photographed, my voice, message, and confidence are definitely the most powerful things I have to offer. That is the most beneficial way to spread my message about radical self-love and to lead by example. By letting my community in on a deeper level, I am able to show how I personally live my life and how I’ve achieved and nurtured my personal self-love. I also love public speaking and have the opportunity to connect in person with my audience. While I’m grateful I’ve been able to have my energy felt through the screens of phones, tablets, and computers, there is nothing better than being able to feel how deep my confidence and passion run in real life. I’ve seen the impact it has and that’s why I do all of this. If I can make 10 people more confident and have a better quality of life because they love themselves unapologetically, I’ve succeeded.
How do you use your social media to empower and encourage women to love themselves and be unapologetically confident?
I think the number one way is by showing up authentically. I don’t ever come on the internet and show up as anyone other than exactly who I am. I hope that the basic step always inspires my audience and new members of my community to accept the exact moment and version of themselves that’s in front of them. The world too often tries to convince us to be anything other than ourselves and it’s a radical act to accept and love yourself in your purest form. I will quit doing what I do before I show up online with a façade or attempt to fit into any box society tries to squeeze me into. After that, I always aim to create content that would be beneficial for my younger self to see. Like I said earlier, growing up I didn’t have many plus-size role models to look up to and I would’ve loved to see someone like me who is so cool, confident, fashionable, kind, and unapologetically themselves. I want to always create content that showcases my confidence and how it’s transformed my life and makes people feel like it’s obtainable for them!
Tell us about how you found confidence to be the gateway to freedom.
From a really young age, honestly, as early as 1st grade, I started getting bullied and felt different and “othered” all throughout elementary and middle school. It was really rough going through that so young, but it really did teach me to go internal and find the strength and validation I needed inside of myself. Because of this, I’ve always had a layer of confidence to me that helped me navigate through adolescence and really evolved as I got into my 20’s. I kept learning time and time again that the less I cared about external judgments and opinions, the better I would feel about myself. I taught myself that standing out and being different was a superpower not a burden. The more confident I became, the more free I became from society’s shackles. My. quality of life, health, love life, career, friendships, all benefited.
What’s next for you?
There’s always something next for me! I’ve been in this industry for 6 years and counting and I still feel like I’ve only exposed the tip of the iceberg. I have so much more to give and also have many creative and entrepreneurial ideas playing around in my mind. I’m definitely a forward thinker and I’m always doing my best to make the world a better place for all of us that are deemed “different” according to society. I have fresh content always flowing on Instagram (@danidmc), TikTok (@itsdanidmc), Snapchat (@itsdanidmc), and Facebook & YouTube (Dani DMC). I am also working on adding my own footprint to the fashion industry soon. The fashion industry has so much work to do for bigger bodies and I’ve gotten tired of waiting around for it to happen, so I’ve decided to do something about it!
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Published by HOLR Magazine
Image Credits courtesy of Dani