If you want to optimize your health, improving your sleep is one of the things you should do.
To help the body function healthy every day requires people to have a healthy lifestyle, diet and maintain good habits for the body every day. Another thing to keep the body healthy is a good night’s sleep. According to many experts, the average person needs at least 7-8 hours of sleep for the body to have enough energy and to function actively.
However, there are many people who have schedules opposing their time zones, do not get enough sleep, or neglect their sleep, leading to poor health, insomnia and other diseases. Especially during this epidemic season, most people live and work from home, so sleep becomes more important than ever. This article will give you simple tips to improve your sleep in a better way.
Limit night eating
One of the reasons why you do not have a good night’s sleep is the habit of eating at night. Eating late at night causes internal organs to work contrary to normal hours, making your body slow digestion, bloating or gas. This disrupts your sleep and leads to insomnia. You need to adjust and minimize the night meals. You should focus your diet into 3 main meals a day: breakfast, lunch, dinner and with small snacks during the day so that the body has enough nutrients to prepare for a good night’s sleep.
Limit caffeine use
Caffeine is a substance used by many people to help enhance concentration, and increase productivity. Caffeine in particular is an indispensable ingredient in coffee drinks to help people not only enjoy the taste but also focus their minds. Therefore, consuming large amounts of caffeine will significantly reduce the quality of human sleep especially when consumed at the end of the day. We should only drink caffeine in the morning to help the body feel more relaxed.
Set up the most comfortable sleeping place
Your sleeping place plays a very important role in your sleep. A cool, clean and tidy sleeping space will help you fall asleep more deeply. You should also choose a mattress with moderate firmness to comfort your back. In particular, you can light a few scented candles or put a few drops of essential oils into the diffuser to make the sleeping space very relaxing and comfortable.
Avoid blue light exposure at night
The blue light emitted by electronic devices has been shown to disrupt the body’s natural circadian rhythms, keeping your mind awake and preventing your sleep. You should turn off electronic devices 1-2 hours before bedtime or install a blue light blocking app on your smartphone to improve your sleep quality.
Exercise regularly
Gentle exercise before bed can help you release some of the stress that builds up throughout the day. With a light mind, when you lie in bed, it is easier to focus on sleeping, not disturbed by thoughts about the happenings of the day. With just 15 minutes of yoga or meditation, you will feel extremely relaxed and in a good mood before going to bed.