Nothing gets us into the Holiday spirit more than a well-written rom-com!

Amazon Prime Video released With Love on December 17th and it’s a clever and feel-good show spanning across 5 episodes. Created by Gloria Calderón Kellett, With Love stars Emeraude Toubia as lead Lily Diaz. We spoke with Emeraude Toubia on her role as Lily and her biggest takeaways from being on the show.

What drew you to With Love/Being involved in this project?

Everything starts with story! The characters and their journeys, their challenges, battles. And all these characters that Gloria Calderón Kellett has created fight for something they believe in. And it’s all about love, of self, of each other, which is so important to see.

And of course, GLORIA! She’s so creative, and such a powerhouse of talent and drive. I just wanted to work her and the creative people she brings together.

What so you relate to most in your character?

Lily is completely human: spontaneous, flawed, driven, mixed up, strong, and so, so vulnerable. I wanted to play all that, experience and reveal all that. So, her humanity, she’s no superhero, but she is a super kind of woman for sure.

What was the specific lesson on human connection and love that stood out to you from the series?

Oh, that we all deserve to be loved, and that you’ve got to work to love. It’s not a given. It just doesn’t appear magically, it takes work, on oneself, truly knowing yourself, to then even be able to know another human being.

If you could give love advice to your younger self what would it be?

Patience, don’t rush. Spend time on figuring out what you really want out of life, what you want to make in life. You’ve got to create your own world to have something, solid, tangible, real, to bring to your ‘life’ relationship. You’ve got to be whole to have all you’ll need to bring to this new life, to your partner.

So, get to work, on your dream and on yourself. Find out what’s really important to you. If you are doing what you love, don’t be afraid that falling in love will distract, or interrupt your goals. If you are doing what you love, the journey of it, then having love just adds to the journey.


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