JULLY BLACK IS BACK. If you’ve heard her recent single “Fever”, you’ll know that the Toronto R&B singer has captured all the sensibilities of classic soul music and reinterpreted them in a contemporary way on the track, the leadoff single from her latest release Jully Black The LP.
In many ways the song, written by Pierre Medor (who has also penned songs for Usher, Mary J. Blige and Jagged Edge) and produced by Black’s drummer YoungPete Alexander, is indicative of Jully Black’s current status. She’s a veteran and wizened singer on the Canadian R&B circuit, but through her own persistence and savvy in taking control of her career by reacting to industry trends, she’s still as relevant as ever. Black herself is acutely aware of how the song seamlessly meshes the past and the present and says this theme is extended throughout the album.
“Oh my goodness,” says Black. “It’s translated from [the fact] almost every song has live horns and string sections. Stuff that the Barry Whites and the Motowns always had as a standard. I think we’ve got to such a digital time and an era of programmed music where we forgot what it sounds like to feel what horns on your skin feel like. That kind of record. It’s amazing.”
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