We all want to dress fashionably, to express ourselves, boost our confidence, and feel part of a group of people who are passionate about fashion. Although we all have our own personal style, every year designers propose new fashion trends which are aimed to give our closets the right direction.

You don’t need to follow these trends religiously, although you will soon realize that the majority of the pieces of clothing you will see worn by both male and female mannequins are inspired by them. If you are wondering what the best way to keep up with fashion trends is, we have a few pieces of advice that can finally help you become the ultimate fashionista and impress your friends.

Watch The Runaway

Just as you would visit an art gallery to find out more about contemporary painters, runaways are showcases where designers can display the latest works. High-end runways are held every season, and you must receive a dedicated invite if you want to take part.

Otherwise, you can join the “fashion weeks” all around the world. If travelling out and about every season is not your thing, you can still watch the latest runaways online. In many cases, they are even streamed live on YouTube.

Follow Social Media

Social media are the reign where fashion influencers live, among with models, designers and bloggers. In the majority of cases, you only need to spend a few minutes on Instagram or Twitter to find out about the latest trends and some new sources of inspirations.

If you want to be the one dictating the new trends, then post your most inspiring pictures and don’t forget to use the #fashion hashtag. This is how many of the most famous influencers have started their career.

Go Window Shopping

Before you buy a new piece of clothing, you must study it and understand if it is right for you. Similarly, window shopping can be an excellent way to stay informed about fashion trends without investing all your money in new clothes. This will also allow you to analyse the differences between high-end designers and cheaper alternatives.

Explore Online Shopping

If you don’t have the time to go window shopping in the city centre, you can still try this experience from your sofa, ideally while you enjoy a nice cup of tea. Avoid busy malls just by exploring new merchandise and fashion trends from your computer. If you want to keep up with every trend, you can also sign up for emails from your favorite stores.

Explore Thrift Stores

You may be surprised to see how many fashion trends are inspired by past tendencies. A quick trip to your closest thrift store will give you some inspiration and even help you create new outfits. Most importantly, this is where you can find some cheap pieces of clothing, many of them from high-end designers.


Read Fashion Publications

Books will always be the best sources of information. You can either buy a subscription to your favorite publication or explore the Internet to have access to free content. Alternatively, free papers are usually available at public libraries and even at hairdressers’ studios.

Review Your Shopping Habits

Nowadays, the prices of mainstream clothes are so cheap that we tend to buy a lot of pieces. If you are trying to keep up with fashion trends, this may not be a good idea, since you will end up with clothes that are quickly going to be replaced with new styles.

It is thus recommended to buy fewer pieces, and invest your money into better materials and overall quality. This will not only help you save some money but also guide you through buying timeless clothes that you can use for many years.

Don’t Forget The Basics

We all love buying new clothes, but there are a few pieces which must always be in your closet, regardless of the latest fashion trends. These essential items, such as well-fitting jeans and a white shirt, are timeless and can always come in handy. Most importantly, they can be paired with any new trendy item that you buy.