Breaking news claims a Reuters journalist has been killed and 2 others were injured in southern Lebanon.

According to this article, a Reuters journalist, Issam Abdallah, has died in southern Lebanon.

Reuters Journalist

A Reuters spokesperson released a statement, claiming, “We are deeply saddened to learn that our videographer, Issam Abdallah, has been killed. Issam was part of a Reuters crew in southern Lebanon who was providing a live signal” (as noted here). It is being reported that two other Reuters journalists, Thaer Al-Sudani and Maher Nazeh, were also injured.

Issam Abdallah

Abdallah was a Reuters journalist and according to this article, it is believed Abdallah died in an artillery strike near the Israel-Lebanon border. As mentioned in this article, a Reuters live video stream of the Lebanon-Israel border area detailed footage of an explosion.

A viral video, making its rounds on platforms such as TikTok and Reddit, shows an explosion in which you can hear people screaming in the background, with one individual asking “what happened” and claiming they “can’t feel” their legs. Another individual can be heard swearing in the video. As noted here, the crew involved was allegedly struck while filming a livestream video for Reuters. The post has reportedly since been removed following this incident. The article notes that in the video livestream, you can reportedly hear a loud bang which is allegedly a rocket. Following the noise, screams begin as smoke piles up.

HOLR will not be linking to the video as it features graphic, distressing, and disturbing content.

Published by HOLR Magazine.

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