There are rumors circulating online alleging that Ariana Grande changed her voice. HOLR breaks down the rumors.

Ariana Grande Voice

According to this TikTok video posted by user @pattypopculture, people are allegedly attacking Grande online because they think that she supposedly “changed her voice, again.”

Ariana Grande Wicked

As noted in the video, fans are comparing how Grande talks now versus how she has talked throughout the years. The creator mentions that the voice Grande has been doing recently is reportedly a Transatlantic accent. However, the creator claims that this is the same voice Grande has been using throughout the years since her idols are people such as Judy Garland. The creator explains that a Transatlantic accent is seemingly a specific half-American and half-British that old Hollywood movie stars would reportedly use to sound “fancy.”

The creator alleges that although she may be speaking in a “higher placement right now” she has said in the past that she will reportedly speak in different placements regarding the projects that are going on in her life at that moment.

Nothing has been officially confirmed regarding whether or not Grande actually sounds different.

What do you think- does Ariana Grande sound different?

Published by HOLR Magazine.

Image credits: @pattypopculture, @arianagrande Instagram

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