If you have difficulty falling asleep at night, know that you’re not alone. It is estimated that around 25% of Americans suffer from insomnia every year and that 50 to 70 million American adults report suffering from some sort of sleep disorder. While in some cases, insomnia can be due to issues such as anxiety and stress, in many cases, it boils down to certain bad habits or lifestyle choices. But when you can identify sleep disruptors, you can then start on making your life and home more conducive to sleep. Here are four common solutions to sleep disruptors.

Banish all Light…

Light is sleep’s worst enemy, and it affects our system more profoundly than many people think. Light trips our internal clock, or circadian rhythm, into believing that it’s still daytime, which prevents our bodies from releasing the hormones necessary for sleep.

This is why you have to make sure that no light penetrates the room. Just a little bit of outside light could be enough to make it harder to fall asleep. It would be wise to invest in blackout curtains if you feel the current ones aren’t good enough.

…Especially Blue Light

Blue light is the light that is emitted through most of our electronic screens and can also wreak havoc on our circadian rhythm. Blue light has been shown to suppress melatonin production, which is essential to sleep. While digital screens might seem like minor sources of light, the kind of light they emit penetrates deep into the retina and tricks the brain into thinking it is still day.

If you want to limit the effects of blue light on your system, one thing you can do is make sure that you shut down all screens at least two hours before going to sleep. If you think that could be difficult for you, you can listen to some audio content and set a timer so that it shuts down automatically while you sleep.

If you absolutely have to use your screen before you go to bed, there are some things that you can do. You can turn down the brightness for instance. Most devices also have a night mode made specifically to reduce blue light. There are also apps that will give your screen a gentler shade which will not only help you sleep better but make working much easier.

Switch Your Training Routine

While working out during the day and in the morning is good for sleep, doing so before going to sleep is a bad idea. Many assume that exhaustion will make things easier, but exercise triggers the production of cortisol, the stress hormone, and ramping production up right before bedtime is a recipe for disaster.

Get Yourself a Memory Foam Mattress

Another thing you could do is get a memory foam mattress. They’ve been getting a lot of attention lately, and they’re truly one of the best types of mattresses you can buy.

What makes memory foam mattresses so special is that they hug your body and mold to it. They adjust based on pressure and heat and evenly distribute weight so that every part gets the support it needs. Some describe the feeling of sleeping on a memory foam mattress as “melting” into it.

Another reason why a lot of people have difficulty falling asleep is because of their partners. But one of the benefits of a memory foam mattress is that it truly isolates movement. So, you or your partner can toss and turn all night without disrupting each other.

Now that you can identify some of the main disruptors to good sleep, you can do what it takes to correct the situation. Make sure that you respect your body’s rhythm, and create the best sleep environment possible; your health depends on it.

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