With the current COVID-19 situation developing quickly, officials are recommending that everyone stays home as much as possible for the foreseeable future. Here is a list of 8 things to do to make the most of your time at home so that when it has passed, you can look back and feel like you were still productive.

Do some spring cleaning

No better time to declutter and get rid of excess items that you haven’t used for a while. Be ready to return to regular life fresh and organized.

Get a head start on your summer body

Use some of your free time to use some energy, get some happy endorphins going and achieve your summer body goals. Home workouts can be just as effective as those done at the gym, and many can be done with little to no equipment. Try finding YouTube or Instagram tutorials to follow along to or just do your own thing!

Relax with meditation and yoga

With so much anxiety and stress surrounding the current state and the uncertainty of things, meditation and yoga can help reduce your worries and relax. Take a little time during the day to focus on yourself, breathe and think about all the positive things.

Find some new music

Try listening to something out of your usual mix and expand your music libraries. Artists are still releasing new music every day, and streaming services have a wide variety of playlists to check out at any time.

Keep up with friends & family

Take this time to catch up with some friends and family that you might not have had time to talk to in a while. Give them a call, reach out on social media, send them an email or text!

Do some reading

Although many libraries are closed to the public, you can still access most books through apps on all your devices. Check out audible, google play audiobooks, kindle or other online reading resources to access almost any book you would like.

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